Procedure: committee, 28 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years


Procedure: committee

Comittee anent persones come from France

The Councill authorizes the Comittee formerly appointed for takeing tryall of and examining such persones as are Lately come from France or there quorum To seize upon and take baill from or Comitt to prisone such of these persones as they shal think fitt or see cause for

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years


Procedure: committee

Comittee anent persones come from France

The Councill authorizes the Comittee formerly appointed for takeing tryall of and examining such persones as are Lately come from France or there quorum To seize upon and take baill from or Comitt to prisone such of these persones as they shal think fitt or see cause for

1. PC1/48, 615.

1. PC1/48, 615.