Letter: from the council, 15 March 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of March Jaj vjc and nyntie three years


Letter: from the council

Letter from the Council to the Secretary anent Commissions for Highlands

The Letter underwreitten from the Councill to Secretary Johnstoun being read votted and approven wes signed and ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followes […] Right Honouraball […] wee Find so great need of these Commissiones for the Highlands That wee have mett on purpose to desyre your Lordship to recomend it to his majesty That these Commissiones The one of a separate Jurisdictione from Innerlochie And the other for the wholl Highlands may pass His Majesties hand And he dispatch it with all expeditione The Commissione for the Highlands doeth not only give the Earle of Arguyll the power of preservatione within his bunds But also doeth expressly reserve his right which wee think should satisfy him But to remove all his scruples The Commissione may be ordered dureing pleasure which is His Majesties prerogative And not to endure Longer then three years which Limitation of tyme wee hope will both be Sufficient for the work And Lykewayes ansuer all the Earles difficultyes And therefor wee again Intreat That yow would move his majesty to dispatch the saids Commissiones Signed by Command And in name of the Lords of there majestie privie Councill be […] Your Humble Servant Sic subscribitur Tweeddale Cancel: JPD
There is no order or bills come for payment of the seamen which may hynder the Levyeing And therefor the money would be mynded And the order sent per first.

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of March Jaj vjc and nyntie three years


Letter: from the council

Letter from the Council to the Secretary anent Commissions for Highlands

The Letter underwreitten from the Councill to Secretary Johnstoun being read votted and approven wes signed and ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followes […] Right Honouraball […] wee Find so great need of these Commissiones for the Highlands That wee have mett on purpose to desyre your Lordship to recomend it to his majesty That these Commissiones The one of a separate Jurisdictione from Innerlochie And the other for the wholl Highlands may pass His Majesties hand And he dispatch it with all expeditione The Commissione for the Highlands doeth not only give the Earle of Arguyll the power of preservatione within his bunds But also doeth expressly reserve his right which wee think should satisfy him But to remove all his scruples The Commissione may be ordered dureing pleasure which is His Majesties prerogative And not to endure Longer then three years which Limitation of tyme wee hope will both be Sufficient for the work And Lykewayes ansuer all the Earles difficultyes And therefor wee again Intreat That yow would move his majesty to dispatch the saids Commissiones Signed by Command And in name of the Lords of there majestie privie Councill be […] Your Humble Servant Sic subscribitur Tweeddale Cancel: JPD
There is no order or bills come for payment of the seamen which may hynder the Levyeing And therefor the money would be mynded And the order sent per first.

1. PC1/48, 648.

1. PC1/48, 648.