Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Warrand to My Lord Advocat for raising a proces against Bamoutto
The Lord2 High Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill being informed that […] Boswall of Balmoutto is guilty of ane high Ryot comitted by him at or Nigh the toune of Couper Upon the […] day of […] Doe heirby Recomend and give warrand to the Lord Advocat to raise and follow furth a lybell at his instance before the Lords of privy Councill against the said […] Bosswall as guilty of the said Ryot that he may be punished according to the merit of his offence.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 213r.
2. The letter ‘s’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 213r.
2. The letter ‘s’ scored out here.