Warrant, 28 April 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Warrand to My Lord Advocat for raising a proces against Bamoutto

The Lord2 High Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill being informed that […] Boswall of Balmoutto is guilty of ane high Ryot comitted by him at or Nigh the toune of Couper Upon the […] day of […] Doe heirby Recomend and give warrand to the Lord Advocat to raise and follow furth a lybell at his instance before the Lords of privy Councill against the said […] Bosswall as guilty of the said Ryot that he may be punished according to the merit of his offence.

Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Warrand to My Lord Advocat for raising a proces against Bamoutto

The Lord2 High Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill being informed that […] Boswall of Balmoutto is guilty of ane high Ryot comitted by him at or Nigh the toune of Couper Upon the […] day of […] Doe heirby Recomend and give warrand to the Lord Advocat to raise and follow furth a lybell at his instance before the Lords of privy Councill against the said […] Bosswall as guilty of the said Ryot that he may be punished according to the merit of his offence.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 213r.

2. The letter ‘s’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 213r.

2. The letter ‘s’ scored out here.