Letter: royal, 25 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Fyfth Day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Kings majestie anent the Lord Strathnave and Collonel Moncreifs regiments

A Letter from the Kings Majestie to the Councill Requyreing them to allow drums to be beat for Levyeing tuo regiments of foot at this place The one under the Comand of the Lord Strathnaver And the other under the Comand of Sir James Moncreiff To be transported hence for there majesties service in Ireland being read wes ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor folloues Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councellor Right trustie and Intirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right well beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors and trusie and uell beloved Councellors we greet yow uell wheras ue have Given Commissione to our right trustie and uell beloved Councellor John Lord Strathnaver and to our right trustie and uell beloved Sir James Muncreiff to be Collonells of our new regiments of foot which we doe appoynte to be raised and levyed in our antient kingdome of Scotland and to be transported thence for our service to our kingdome of Ireland wherby In the mean tyme our subjects in Scotland uill be in the greater security It is our uill and pleasure And ue doe requyre yow to allow drums to be beat for raising the forsaids reigments And that yow give all the Incouradgement and assistance to those officers In the prosecutione of this our service And soe we bid yow heartie fareuell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the tuenty first day of February 1 1692/2/3 And of our reigne the fourth year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur John Dalrymple.

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Fyfth Day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Kings majestie anent the Lord Strathnave and Collonel Moncreifs regiments

A Letter from the Kings Majestie to the Councill Requyreing them to allow drums to be beat for Levyeing tuo regiments of foot at this place The one under the Comand of the Lord Strathnaver And the other under the Comand of Sir James Moncreiff To be transported hence for there majesties service in Ireland being read wes ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor folloues Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councellor Right trustie and Intirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right well beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors and trusie and uell beloved Councellors we greet yow uell wheras ue have Given Commissione to our right trustie and uell beloved Councellor John Lord Strathnaver and to our right trustie and uell beloved Sir James Muncreiff to be Collonells of our new regiments of foot which we doe appoynte to be raised and levyed in our antient kingdome of Scotland and to be transported thence for our service to our kingdome of Ireland wherby In the mean tyme our subjects in Scotland uill be in the greater security It is our uill and pleasure And ue doe requyre yow to allow drums to be beat for raising the forsaids reigments And that yow give all the Incouradgement and assistance to those officers In the prosecutione of this our service And soe we bid yow heartie fareuell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the tuenty first day of February 1 1692/2/3 And of our reigne the fourth year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur John Dalrymple.

1. PC1/48, 608.

1. PC1/48, 608.