Procedure, 2 May 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att the Laigh parliament house in Edinburgh the second day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Proposall The Councell to the parliament anent seamen

The subsequent Recommendatione or proposall being drauen was Immediatly carryed into the Parliament unsigned and the same is Ingrossed in ane Act of parliament upon the fourth day of this same month Folloues the Recommendatione or proposall
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell In Complyance uith his Majesties Letter for that effect Recommends to their Majesties High Commissioner and honoraball estates of parliament That ane ordor of parliament may be emitted appoynting the magistrats of all the burghs royall burghs of regality and barronies upon the sea coasts of this kingdome and others the Heretors upon the sea coasts to make up lists of the whole seamen Fishermen and boatmen uithin the bounds of their respective Jurisdictiones And cause cast Lotts for the fourth man that is betueen sixtie and sixteen In all such burghs and places which furnished noe seamen the last year In obedience to the Councells ordors for that effect And therafter to Cast Lotts for the Eight man Contained in the saids Lists to be made up by oath or any other legall method by the saids Magistrats uithin the whole bounds respectively abovenamed and the magistrats and Heretors are lykewayes to cast Lotts for the uillfull absent or unwilling seamen And which fourth and Eight man The saids magistrats and heretors are Immediatly to seize and delyver to Captaine William Erskine Leivtennant Governour of Blackness or such as he shall depute and give Commissione to for that effect who (for the better ease of the magistrats respective forsaids) Is to be Intrusted for receaving and transporting the said seamen Immediatly after they are listed and to Carry them to Leith quher every seaman that Ingadges in the service Is to receave tuenty four pounds off gratificatione By and attour their constant pay therafter Conforme to the English establishment And the said Captain Erskine is to transport the seamen to be Levyed from Largs to Dundie Inclusive Before the tuenty day of May Instant and the seamen of other places betuixt and the first of Junij nixt

Att the Laigh parliament house in Edinburgh the second day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Proposall The Councell to the parliament anent seamen

The subsequent Recommendatione or proposall being drauen was Immediatly carryed into the Parliament unsigned and the same is Ingrossed in ane Act of parliament upon the fourth day of this same month Folloues the Recommendatione or proposall
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell In Complyance uith his Majesties Letter for that effect Recommends to their Majesties High Commissioner and honoraball estates of parliament That ane ordor of parliament may be emitted appoynting the magistrats of all the burghs royall burghs of regality and barronies upon the sea coasts of this kingdome and others the Heretors upon the sea coasts to make up lists of the whole seamen Fishermen and boatmen uithin the bounds of their respective Jurisdictiones And cause cast Lotts for the fourth man that is betueen sixtie and sixteen In all such burghs and places which furnished noe seamen the last year In obedience to the Councells ordors for that effect And therafter to Cast Lotts for the Eight man Contained in the saids Lists to be made up by oath or any other legall method by the saids Magistrats uithin the whole bounds respectively abovenamed and the magistrats and Heretors are lykewayes to cast Lotts for the uillfull absent or unwilling seamen And which fourth and Eight man The saids magistrats and heretors are Immediatly to seize and delyver to Captaine William Erskine Leivtennant Governour of Blackness or such as he shall depute and give Commissione to for that effect who (for the better ease of the magistrats respective forsaids) Is to be Intrusted for receaving and transporting the said seamen Immediatly after they are listed and to Carry them to Leith quher every seaman that Ingadges in the service Is to receave tuenty four pounds off gratificatione By and attour their constant pay therafter Conforme to the English establishment And the said Captain Erskine is to transport the seamen to be Levyed from Largs to Dundie Inclusive Before the tuenty day of May Instant and the seamen of other places betuixt and the first of Junij nixt

1. NRS, PC1/49, 18-19.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 18-19.