Act, 22 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of June Jaj vic nyntie three yeirs



Liberatione Mr John Seatoune suspected to be a preist

Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be Mr John Seatoune prisoner in the castle of Blackness Sheuing That wher the petitioner being apprehended by the Country people touards the end of December Jaj vic Eightie Eight hes been detained prisoner ever since meerly upon suspicione of being a preist And 2 the petitioner by his Long Imprisonment of about four years and ane halfe Hes not only spent any litle thing he had But his health is lykewayes Intirely ruined beyond any probability of recovery Being seventie years of age or therby And albeit he was most uilling to have accepted of the favourable offer made to the rest in his Circumstances of Libertie to goe abroad wher he might have expected better usage for one in his Conditione Then he can reasonably propose to himself any wher in this kingdome yet when the rest uent away above a month agoe Finding his health soe totally broken by sickness old age and Imprisonment and his Infirmitie still growing worse as the officers of the garrisone can testifie The petitioner was much against his Inclinatione necessitat to Continow prisoner during their Lordships pleasure rather then to hazard a Long sea voyage wherby he could expect noe less then ane unavoydable painfull death The petitioner when formerly in health and strength at sea being still in hazard of his life And seing the petitioner hes now of a Long tyme had nothing to subsist by but the Charity of his Freinds (he never having had any thing from the government) And being the first and now the only prisoner upon the suspicione of being a preist And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships to take pity on the petitioners sad conditione And not permitt him ane old sickly dying man to lanquish in prisone For the feu dayes he can by the course of nature and his Decease continow in this Life But charitably to ordaine him to be sett at libertie That he may retire to some freinds House wher he may have the use of some help for his distressed conditione and may in some measure mitigat the afflictione he at present lyes under by old age sicknes povertie and Imprisonment as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered this petitione Given In to them be the above Mr John Seatoune suspected to be a preist presently prisoner at Blackness They Heirby Recommend to the Earle of Linlithgow of the castle of Blackness and in his absence Gives ordor and warrand to the deputy Governour therof and in his absence the nixt Comanding officer ther To sett the petitioner at Liberty furth therof For which this shall be a sufficient warrand

Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of June Jaj vic nyntie three yeirs



Liberatione Mr John Seatoune suspected to be a preist

Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be Mr John Seatoune prisoner in the castle of Blackness Sheuing That wher the petitioner being apprehended by the Country people touards the end of December Jaj vic Eightie Eight hes been detained prisoner ever since meerly upon suspicione of being a preist And 2 the petitioner by his Long Imprisonment of about four years and ane halfe Hes not only spent any litle thing he had But his health is lykewayes Intirely ruined beyond any probability of recovery Being seventie years of age or therby And albeit he was most uilling to have accepted of the favourable offer made to the rest in his Circumstances of Libertie to goe abroad wher he might have expected better usage for one in his Conditione Then he can reasonably propose to himself any wher in this kingdome yet when the rest uent away above a month agoe Finding his health soe totally broken by sickness old age and Imprisonment and his Infirmitie still growing worse as the officers of the garrisone can testifie The petitioner was much against his Inclinatione necessitat to Continow prisoner during their Lordships pleasure rather then to hazard a Long sea voyage wherby he could expect noe less then ane unavoydable painfull death The petitioner when formerly in health and strength at sea being still in hazard of his life And seing the petitioner hes now of a Long tyme had nothing to subsist by but the Charity of his Freinds (he never having had any thing from the government) And being the first and now the only prisoner upon the suspicione of being a preist And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships to take pity on the petitioners sad conditione And not permitt him ane old sickly dying man to lanquish in prisone For the feu dayes he can by the course of nature and his Decease continow in this Life But charitably to ordaine him to be sett at libertie That he may retire to some freinds House wher he may have the use of some help for his distressed conditione and may in some measure mitigat the afflictione he at present lyes under by old age sicknes povertie and Imprisonment as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered this petitione Given In to them be the above Mr John Seatoune suspected to be a preist presently prisoner at Blackness They Heirby Recommend to the Earle of Linlithgow of the castle of Blackness and in his absence Gives ordor and warrand to the deputy Governour therof and in his absence the nixt Comanding officer ther To sett the petitioner at Liberty furth therof For which this shall be a sufficient warrand

1. NRS, PC1/49, 90-91.

2. The word ‘by’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 90-91.

2. The word ‘by’ scored out here.