Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Fourth Day off Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years
Warrand to Bonhard and Mainer to furnish blanquetts to the recruitts at Blackness
The Lords of there Majesties privie Councill doe hereby recomend to and authorize […] Cornwall of Bonhard and […] Dundas of Mainer to conveen the tennendrie within the paroches of Carridden and Abercorne And see that they furnish blanketts to the souldiers presently detained in the castle of Blackness (who are to be carryed to Flanders for recruitts) to Lye upon while they are in the said Castle And ordaines the Flanders officers to whom these recruitts belong To find sufficient Cautione to the satisfactione of the saids Lairds of Bonhard and Mainer That they shall delyver back these blanketts In good case to the persones who furnished the samen so soon as the recruitts shall be removed or otherwayes that they shall make payment to the persones furnishers of a rix dollar for each pair of the saids blanketts being a double pair which shall not be restored back in good case as said is.
1. PC1/48, 564.
1. PC1/48, 564.