Att Edinburgh the Fourteinth of March Jaj vjc nyntie three years Ante Meridiem
Liberatione James Munell and others
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be James Munell John Walls prisoners in Edinburgh John Clark Robert Walls John Bell and Thomas Mcmellen prisoners in the Canongate Shewing That where the poor prisoners have been keept in prisone for many moneths past for alleadged accessione to a late declaratione published at Sanquhar yet nothing is ever made out againest the petitioners And some of the petitioners haveing numerous familyes and nothing to supplie aither them or the petitioners themselves But what the petitioners provydes by there handy Labour They are reduced to straitts and difficultyes And there wyves and children in great necessities unles the saids Lords shall be pleased to sett the petitioners at liberty to provyde for there mantenance and therefore Craveing to the effect underwreitten As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill Haveing considdered this petitione given in to them be the above James Munell and others They hereby give order and warrand to the magistrates of Edinburgh and Keeper of there tolbooth to sett at Liberty furth thereof the saids James Munell and John Walls prisoners therein And to the bailzies of the Canongate and Keeper of there tolbooth To sett at liberty furth of the Same John Clark Robert Walls John Bell and Thomas Mcmellen prisoners in that tolbooth And that In respect there is no probatione found againest them.
1. PC1/641.
1. PC1/641.