Att Edinburgh the Tuelvth day of october Jaj vic nyntie three years
Protectione Bannatyne of Kames
Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be Hector Bannatyne of Kaimes Sheuing That wher ther being a most Groundles Complaint raised at the Instance of Thomas Craufurd of Carseburne Against the petitioner for ane alleadged ryott pretending that the petitioner Hounded out severall persones to deforce the messenger that Carseburne had Imployed the petitioners goods which is in itself false and most Caluminous and as to the Complaint as Groundles so that it was most malicious in Carseburne who is a Neighbour to take assignations to any debt due be the petitioner off purpose to distress him And seing the petitioner hes attended all this while upon the Calling of the said process But their Lordships being taken up about other affairs The same was delayed all this tyme Althogh the petitioner applyed to their Lordships for discussing therof as the dark can attest And seing the protectione Is expyred formerly Granted be their Lordships to the petitioner and that He Cannot safely attend their Lordships or the dyetts of the said process By reasone of the severall personall dilligence Against him for Civill debts uithout their Lordships be pleased to Renue his protectione And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships uould be pleased to Consider the petitioners case and Circumstances and Renue his protectione for such tyme as their Lordships shall think Fitt The said Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given In to them be the said Hector Bannatyne of Kaimes They Heirby Grant personall protectione to the petitioner untill the seventh day of november nixt to Come That He may attend the discussing of the said process And discharges all Judges Magistrats messengers at arms or officers uithin burgh or Landuard To putt any Letters of Captione Acts of warding or other personall dilligence to executione against the petitioner untill the forsaid day Excepting alwayes their Majesties rents and publict dues sic subscribitur Tueeddale canel: Drumlangrig Southerland Linlithgow Tarbat Beilhaven Polwarth James Steuart T Livingstoune
1. NRS, PC1/49, 156-7.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 156-7.