Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth nynth day of Agust Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs
Letter: royal
Letter for adjurning the parliament
The Subsequent Letter Being redd was ordored to be recorded Folloues the Letter
Suprascribitur William Rex
Right trustie and right uell Beloved Cousin and Councellor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousine and Councellor Right trustie and right well beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Cousines and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors Trustie and uell beloved Councellors Ue Greet yow uell Wheras our parliament of that our antient kingdome was adjurned to the tuelvth day of september nixt ensuing And that the present state of our affairs doeth not requyre the meeting therof at the said day Therfore ue being resolved to Continow the said adjurnment to the nynth day of January nixt therafter That the Members therof may not be putt to the trowble and charge of meeting upon the said tuelfth day of September Itt is our uill and pleasure And ue heirby authorize and requyre yow to Issue furth a proclamation in our name ordering a Continuance of the adjurnment of our said parliament to the said nynth day of January nixt ensuing the date of these presents and ordoring all the members to attend that day in the usuall way and under the accustomed Certificationes For doing wherof this shall be your warrand And so ue bidd yow heartily Fareuell Given at our Camp at Lembeck The Fourteenth day of Agust old style 1693 And of our Reigne the fifth year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur James Stevensone
1. NRS, PC1/49, 120.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 120.