Att Edinburgh the Tuentieth day of June Jaj vic and nyntie thrie years
Letter: royal
Letter from the King To the Duke of Hamilton Lord secretary and Sir Thomas Livingstoune
A Letter from his Majestie to the Duke of Hamilton Lord Secretary Johnstoune and Sir Thomas Livingstoune superceeding the new Levyes except the Regiment of dragoones to be Commanded by my Lord Carmichaell and declaring his Majesties uill that the tuo regiments of Foot under Command of the Lord Strathnaver and Sir James Muncreiff be taken Into Scotts pay Redd and appoyntes a Coppie of the said Letter and marked by the Lord Chancellor and the Letter to be returned to the Lord Duke of Hamiltone who produced the same and the Letter to be Recorded in the books of privie Councell Folloues the tenor of the Letter
Suprascribitur William Rex
Right trustie and Right Entirely beloved Cousing and Councellor Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors Ue Greet yow uell As ue Have testified our satisfactione uith the zeall of our parliament for our service and the safetie of that our antient kingdome when the plotts of our Enemies at home and abroad did seem to Indainger the Commone Intrest so ue did readily concurr uith what proposalls uere made to us by yow Concerning new Levys Having Impoured yow to name Captains and subalterne officers of three Regiments of Foot and one of dragoones and appoynted such Collonells and Leivt Collonells as yow did represent to us uould be most pleasing to our people and faithfull to our Government But now the face of affairs being much changed abroad and our fleet being at sea which by the blissing of God uill secure our Kingdomes from all attempts of forraigne Enemies The Hopes wherof Have 2 it seems Have Encouradged our disaffected subjects Ue doe think it fitt And It is our pleasure That yow superceed the new Levies except the regiment of dragoones to be Commanded by the Lord Carmichaell till our furder pleasure And because our good subjects may be still under some Fears of the plottings of our Enemies Therfore that they may be in full security It is our will that these tuo regiments of foot Commanded by the Lord Strathnaver and Sir James Muncreiff which we designed for Ireland should be taken Into the pay of that our antient kingdome Ue Judging this a more effectuall method for securing against any present dainger that may be still apprehended Then new Levies The making of which uould requyre some tyme all which yow are to signifie to our privie Councell And soe ue bid yow heartily fareuell Given at our Camp at Park Abbay neer Lovain the 08/18 Junij 1693 And of our reigne the fifth year
1. NRS, PC1/49, 83.
2. The word ‘Engadged’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 83.
2. The word ‘Engadged’ scored out here.