Att Edinburgh the Fourteinth of March Jaj vjc nyntie three years Ante Meridiem
Memoriall Mr William Erskine anent Seamen
Mr William Erskine Leivetennent Governour of Blackness castle Gave in the following overtures anent Seamen viz primo That the King shall order his press maisters to press no seamen out of any ships who shall have his pass or declaratione that they have given in there proportione of number of Seamen Secundo That the King will order the Scottish seamen to be equally exchanged with the English when taken out of there Majestyes ships by the French Tertio That they shall have the same benefite with the English of Hospitalls when dissabled in there majestyes service Quarto That there shall be Fourty shillings allowed for each seaman And what necessarie expenses and charges he is at procureing of them And for his pains he shall referr it to the King or Councill
1. PC1/48, 637.
1. PC1/48, 637.