Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of Agust Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Act prorogating the dyet of the Earle of Perths departure till the first ships saile
Anent the petitione given In to the to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be Mary Countess of Perth Sheuing That the Earle of Perth her husband Did Give baill to departe furth of their Majesties Dominiones betuixt and the fyfteenth day of Agust Instant and not to returne uithout their Lordships Licence And now by reasone of the Great disordor of his privat affairs and his present Indispositione which renders him altogether unable to travell as a testificat by phisitianes upon soull and conscience produced uith the said petitione uill Instruct He Cannot gett the precise day keeped And therfore Humbly Craving That their Lordships uould be pleased to prorogat the dyet of his going auay for such a tyme as their Lordships shall think fitt upon his Giving baill to keep the day which shall be appointed and not to returne uithout Licence as formerly That he may have tyme to ordor his privat bussiness and till it appear how it shall please god to dispose upon him as the said petitione Bears The Saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given in to them Be Mary Countess of Perth uith the testificat under the hands of phisitians mentioned therin and produced theruith They heirby prorogat the tyme of the Earle of Perths departure furth of thir kingdomes till the sailing of the first shipps which shall saile from this kingdome to forraigne Countries under a Convoy In respect the said Earle in the mean tyme Hath procured sufficient persons to Give bond in the books of privie Councell That he shall departe furth of their Majesties dominiones uith the first ships sailing from this kingdome under a Convoy to forraigne Countries or sooner and not returne to thir kingdomes uithout the Kings Majestie or the Councells warrand And in the mean tyme That he shall Live peacablie under and uith all submissione to the present Government of their Majesties King Uilliam and Queen Mary And that he shall not Act consult nor Contryve any thing in prejudice therof nor shall not Converss uith rebells And that he shall appear before the Councell if called for at any tyme before sailing of the saids shipps under Convoy wherin he is to transport himself for his departure if before that under the penaltie of fyve thousand pounds sterline And ordaines the Former bond to be delyvered up
1. NRS, PC1/49, 113-14.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 113-14.