Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Protectione The Earle of Home
Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe Heirby Grant personall protectione to Charles Earle of Home untill the first day of Jully nixt to come That He may repaire to Edinburgh and appear before his Grace and Lordships Conforme to the charge given to him at the Instance of Sir James Steuart their Majesties advocat for that effect And Have discharged and heirby discharges all Judges and magistrats messengers at arms officers in burgh or Landuard To putt any Letters of Captione acts of uarding or other personall dilligence to executione against the saids Charles Earle of Home untill the forsaid day Excepting alwayes their Majesties revenues and publict dues sic subscribitur Tueeddale Cancel: Melvill Erroll Annandale Kintore Raith Polluarth J Johnstoun Adam Cockburne F Muntgomery
1. NRS, PC1/59, 52-3.
1. NRS, PC1/59, 52-3.