Act, 26 January 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Sixth day of Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Protectione John Urquhart of Meldrum

Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be John Urquhart of Meldrum Shewing That the petitioner being summonded at the Instance of Alexander Burnet his oune Late Chamberland To compear befor there Lordships: the first tuesday of Februarij next To ansuer for some pretended ryotts which in the event will appear to be most Calumnious The said Alexander Burnet is so malicious That he not only keeps up his rent and refuses to Compt for threttein or Fourteen years Intromissione with his estate as Chamberland But Lykewayes hes hounded out some creditors to charge the petitioner with horning off purpose to expose his persone to difficultyes And to debarr him from giveing obedience to there Lordships Letters unles the saids Lords provyde remedie And which necessitat the petitioner to raise ane reconventione againest him for manifest oppressione Committed on the tennents of Meldrum when he wes Chamberland And therefore Craveing that there Lordships would be pleased to grant personall protectione to the petitioner dureing the dependence of this actione before there Lordships and for some dayes after Conclusione thereof That the petitioner may returne hence peaceably without any trouble or molestation And to discharge messengers at armes and others from putting any Captione acts of warding or other diligence in executione againest the petitioners persone And of there offices in that pairt etc As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there majesties privie Councill Haveing considered this petitione given in to them be the said John Urquhart of Meldrum They hereby Grant personall protectione untill the tuenty day of Februarij next Inclusive And discharges all Messengers at armes officers within burgh and others whatsomever to put any Letters of Captione acts of warding or others to executione againest the petitioner dureing the said space Excepting only for there majesties customs and dues allennarly Sic Subscribitur Tweeddale cancel: Hamilton P: Linlithgow Strathmore Leven Cardross Carmichaell Uilliam Master of Forbes Adam Cockburne

At Edinburgh, 26 January 1693



Protection for John Urquhart of Meldrum

Concerning the petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by John Urquhart of Meldrum showing that the petitioner, being summoned at the instance of Alexander Burnet, his own late chamberlain, to appear before their lordships on the first Tuesday of February next to answer for some alleged riots which in the event will appear to be most calumnious, the said Alexander Burnet is so malicious that he not only keeps up his rent and refuses to account for 13 or 14 years’ intromission with his estate as chamberlain but has also hounded out some creditors to charge the petitioner with horning of purpose to expose his person to difficulties, and to debar him from giving obedience to their lordships’ letters unless the said lords provide remedy, and which required the petitioner to raise a reconvention against him for manifest oppression committed on the tenants of Meldrum when he was chamberlain; and therefore craving that their lordships would be pleased to grant personal protection to the petitioner during the dependence of this action before their lordships and for some days after the conclusion thereof, that the petitioner may return hence peaceably without any trouble or molestation, and to discharge messengers at arms and others from putting any caption, acts of warding or other diligence in execution against the petitioner’s person, and of their offices in that part etc, as the said petition bears. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council, having considered this petition given in to them by the said John Urquhart of Meldrum, they hereby grant personal protection until 20 February next inclusive, and discharge all messengers at arms, officers within burgh and others whatsoever to put any letters of caption, acts of warding or others to execution against the petitioner during the said space, excepting only for their majesties’ customs and dues only. Subscribed: Tweeddale chancellor; Hamilton P; Linlithgow; Strathmore; Leven; Cardross; Carmichael; William, master of Forbes; Adam Cockburne.

1. PC1/48, 566-7.

1. PC1/48, 566-7.