Att Edinburgh The Fourteenth day of November Jaj vic nyntie three years
Letter: royal
Letter to the King In favoures of the Lord Arthbuthnet
May It pleas your Majestie
The Viscount of Arthbuthnet Having suffered great losses by the Highland Rebells for his affection and zeall in your Majesties service upon applicatione made to the Estates of parliament and due tryall taken His Losses were found to exceed the soume of Eight Thousand pounds scots And the parliament Remitted the matter to us to Recommend him to your Majestie wherfore we Having againe Reviewed the forsaid tryall and Considered the quantaty of the Viscounts Losses with his good affectione to your Majesties Government and the merite of his family Doe uith all Humility Crave Leave to lay his case before your Majestie And Recommend him and it to your Majesties royall favour and Bounty May It please your Majestie your Majesties most loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants sic subscribitur Tueeddall Cancel: Southerland Forfar Tarbat Stair Beilhaven James Steuart Adam Cockburne W Anstruther Fra: Montgomery
1. NRS, PC1/49, 173.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 173.