Decreet, 16 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth Day off Februarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Decreet there majesties sollicitor against ministers in Arguyllshyre

Anent our Soveraigne Lord and Ladyes Letters raised and persued befor the Lords of there majesties privie Councill at the Instance of Sir William Lockhart there majesties sollicitor for there highness Interest in the matter underwreitten Mentioneing That where albeit by the Law of God and the principalls and Constitutione of every well governed natione all persones are bound to give due obedience unto And wish well And pray for such To whom they owe Just obedience and true alleadgeance as there soveraigne Especially such who have been the glorious Instrument of there delyvery from the thralldome of popery and the pernicuous Inconveniencies that accompany ane arbitrarie power And by the municipall Constitutione of this Realme All the Subjects thereof are engadged to pray for there Lawfull soveraigne And particularly by ane act of the meeting of the Estates the thretteinth of Apryll Jaj vjc Eighty nyne all ministers who are in ane eminent maner obleidged to discharge that duety are hereby expressly Commanded to read the proclamatione of that dait And publictly to pray for there majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this realme upon the dayes thereinmentioned under the pain of being depryved Losseing of there benefice And by the same proclamatione all the Leedges are Certifyed That they presume not to oune or acknowledge the Late King James the seventh for there King or presume upon there highest perrill by word wreitting in a sermone or any other maner of way whatsomever To Impugne or Dissoune there there majesties King William and Queen Mary there authority as King and Queen of Scotland And by the tuenty fyfth act second session of there majesties Current parliament all ministers depryved for not praying publictly for there majesties as King and Queen of this Realme And for not reading the said proclamatione of the Estates are prohibited and discharged to preach or exercise any pairt of the ministeriall functione aither in church or meetinghouse upon any pretext whatsomever untill first they present themselves befor the Lords of privie councill And there in presence of the saids Lords take swear and signe the oath of alleadgeance And Engadge themselves under there hands to pray for there saids majesties as King and Queen of this realme And not to oune the Late King James the Seventh as there King in any sort Conforme to the tenor of the said proclamatione Certifyeing such ministers as doe in the contrarie That they shall be proceeded againest as persones dissaffected and Enemyes to there majesties government with all rigor And thereby ordained the said proclamation and act of the meeting of the Estates to be put to farder executione againest all such miniters who have not as yet Given obedience thereto by prayeing for there Mjaesties In maner forsaid And ordained the Lords of privie Councill to proceed therein And by diverse and sundry proclamationes of the saids Lords of privie Councill The particular dayes of thanksgiveing and for fasting mentioned therein were ordained to be keeped And the ministers were obleidged to read these proclamationes from there pulpitts in the churches and meeting houses where they have preached Nevertheless Mr John Fraser Late Dean of the Isles Mr Duncan Beattoun minister at Mull Mr […] Mcdonald mininster at Ardnamurchan mr John Mcallman minister at Morverne Mr Alexander Mccallman late dean at Lassmore Mr Alexander Campbell late minister at Kilmore and Mr Duncan Mcarthur Late minister at Glendalennell Albeit they or some of them have been publictly depryved for not praying for there Majesties in the termes of the forsaid act of parliament have publictly preached and exercised the ministeriall funcitone within there oune respective houses and paroches where the samen Lyes And elsewhere without qualifyeing themselves according to Law By swearing and signeing the oath of alleadgeance to there majesties And engadgeing not to oune the Late King James And have not prayed for there saids majesties as King and Queen of this Realme In such Circumstantiat termes as there hearers might distinctly know that they prayed for there majesties King William and Queen Mary And have been so farr from evidenceing the Just sence they ought to have hade of there majesties preservation and releiff of these grievous Cricumstances the natione groaned under That when the said proclamatione of the Estates wes sent to them At Least came to there hands or of which They hade knowledge They were so farr from testifyeing there gratitude and giveing due obedience thereto That nether the day appoynted be the proclamatione nor at any tyme since syne They did read the same or any of the proclamationes for thanksgiveing or fast Albeit all these wes delyvered to there hands But on the contrarie In spyte of the Certificationes Contained in these proclamationes hes actually preached dayly since syne without praying for there majesties as King and Queen of this Realme Convocating severall paroches stirring up and fomenting there dissaffection to there majesties Governmetn Encouradgeing there Enemyes And discouradgeing there Loyall subjects And sometymes not only praying for the Late King James And that God would restore him And make his croun to flourish upon his head But also at other tymes They pray in such ambiguous termes That there hearers could not understand that they pray for there Majesties King William and Queen Mary off all which crymes the forsaid persones are guilty actors airt and pairt And ought and should be punished in there persones and goods to the terror of others to Committ the Lyke in tyme comeing And Anent the Charge Given to the saids haill forenamed persones To have Compeared befor the saids Lords of privie Councill at ane certain day bygone To have ansuered to the grounds of the above written Complaint And to hear and see such order and course taken thereanent As the saids Lords should think fitt under the pain of rebellion and putting of them to the horne with Certificatione If they failzied There majesties other Letters should be direct againest them to put them thereto simpliciter As the said Lybell and executions bears. Which Lybell being this day Called In presence of the saids Lords of privie Councill And Sir James Ogilvie advocat now there majesties sollicitor Compearing personally as persewer And the saids haill defenders also Compearing personally (Except Mr John Fraser Late dean of the Isles and Mr Duncan Beattoun minister at Mull) The saids Lords haveing heard the Lybell read They hereby Grant Certificatione againest the saids tuo defenders absent and not Compearing And ordaines Letters of denunceatione to be direct to messengers at armes Comanding them to pass to the mercat croce of […] and other places neadfull And there in there majesties name and authority To duely Lawfully and orderly Denunce the saids Mr John Fraser late dean of the Isles and Mr Duncan Beattoun minister at Mull there majesties rebells there moveable goods and gear to there Majesties use for there Contemptione and dissobedience And the saids Lords have assolzied And hereby Assoilzies the said Mr Duncan Mcarthur from the poynts and articles Lybelled againest him And declares him quyte thereof And free therefrae In respect The said Mr Duncan did declare in face of Councill That he wes put from his church by the rabble And hes not preached since And hes nether Church nor meetinghouse And Sicklyke The saids Lords have assolzied And hereby assolzies the above Mr John and Mr Alexander Mccallums and Mr Alexander Mcdonald from the points and articles Lybelled againest them And declares them quyte thereof and free therefrae In respect They have Judicially and under there hand promised and Engadged That in tyme Comeing in all there publict prayers when they preach They will pray for there majesties King William and Queen Marij as King and Queen of Scotland And this saids Lords haveing considdered the Judiciall declaration of the above Mr Alexander Campbell Emitted be him at the Councill barr Bearing that he hes not hitherto prayed for any King expressly And that he hes no freedome to pray for there majesties King William and Queen Mary They have depryved And hereby Depryves the said Mr Alexander Campbell from his benefice at the above church of Killmore And declares the said church vacant And ordaines him to remove from his Manse and Gleeb at the terme of whistonday next And discharges him to Labour the said gleib or any pairt thereof in tyme comeing and discharges the said Mr Alexander to preach or exercise any pairt of his ministeriall functione within the said paroch of Killmore or any other place within this Kingdome.

Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth Day off Februarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Decreet there majesties sollicitor against ministers in Arguyllshyre

Anent our Soveraigne Lord and Ladyes Letters raised and persued befor the Lords of there majesties privie Councill at the Instance of Sir William Lockhart there majesties sollicitor for there highness Interest in the matter underwreitten Mentioneing That where albeit by the Law of God and the principalls and Constitutione of every well governed natione all persones are bound to give due obedience unto And wish well And pray for such To whom they owe Just obedience and true alleadgeance as there soveraigne Especially such who have been the glorious Instrument of there delyvery from the thralldome of popery and the pernicuous Inconveniencies that accompany ane arbitrarie power And by the municipall Constitutione of this Realme All the Subjects thereof are engadged to pray for there Lawfull soveraigne And particularly by ane act of the meeting of the Estates the thretteinth of Apryll Jaj vjc Eighty nyne all ministers who are in ane eminent maner obleidged to discharge that duety are hereby expressly Commanded to read the proclamatione of that dait And publictly to pray for there majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this realme upon the dayes thereinmentioned under the pain of being depryved Losseing of there benefice And by the same proclamatione all the Leedges are Certifyed That they presume not to oune or acknowledge the Late King James the seventh for there King or presume upon there highest perrill by word wreitting in a sermone or any other maner of way whatsomever To Impugne or Dissoune there there majesties King William and Queen Mary there authority as King and Queen of Scotland And by the tuenty fyfth act second session of there majesties Current parliament all ministers depryved for not praying publictly for there majesties as King and Queen of this Realme And for not reading the said proclamatione of the Estates are prohibited and discharged to preach or exercise any pairt of the ministeriall functione aither in church or meetinghouse upon any pretext whatsomever untill first they present themselves befor the Lords of privie councill And there in presence of the saids Lords take swear and signe the oath of alleadgeance And Engadge themselves under there hands to pray for there saids majesties as King and Queen of this realme And not to oune the Late King James the Seventh as there King in any sort Conforme to the tenor of the said proclamatione Certifyeing such ministers as doe in the contrarie That they shall be proceeded againest as persones dissaffected and Enemyes to there majesties government with all rigor And thereby ordained the said proclamation and act of the meeting of the Estates to be put to farder executione againest all such miniters who have not as yet Given obedience thereto by prayeing for there Mjaesties In maner forsaid And ordained the Lords of privie Councill to proceed therein And by diverse and sundry proclamationes of the saids Lords of privie Councill The particular dayes of thanksgiveing and for fasting mentioned therein were ordained to be keeped And the ministers were obleidged to read these proclamationes from there pulpitts in the churches and meeting houses where they have preached Nevertheless Mr John Fraser Late Dean of the Isles Mr Duncan Beattoun minister at Mull Mr […] Mcdonald mininster at Ardnamurchan mr John Mcallman minister at Morverne Mr Alexander Mccallman late dean at Lassmore Mr Alexander Campbell late minister at Kilmore and Mr Duncan Mcarthur Late minister at Glendalennell Albeit they or some of them have been publictly depryved for not praying for there Majesties in the termes of the forsaid act of parliament have publictly preached and exercised the ministeriall funcitone within there oune respective houses and paroches where the samen Lyes And elsewhere without qualifyeing themselves according to Law By swearing and signeing the oath of alleadgeance to there majesties And engadgeing not to oune the Late King James And have not prayed for there saids majesties as King and Queen of this Realme In such Circumstantiat termes as there hearers might distinctly know that they prayed for there majesties King William and Queen Mary And have been so farr from evidenceing the Just sence they ought to have hade of there majesties preservation and releiff of these grievous Cricumstances the natione groaned under That when the said proclamatione of the Estates wes sent to them At Least came to there hands or of which They hade knowledge They were so farr from testifyeing there gratitude and giveing due obedience thereto That nether the day appoynted be the proclamatione nor at any tyme since syne They did read the same or any of the proclamationes for thanksgiveing or fast Albeit all these wes delyvered to there hands But on the contrarie In spyte of the Certificationes Contained in these proclamationes hes actually preached dayly since syne without praying for there majesties as King and Queen of this Realme Convocating severall paroches stirring up and fomenting there dissaffection to there majesties Governmetn Encouradgeing there Enemyes And discouradgeing there Loyall subjects And sometymes not only praying for the Late King James And that God would restore him And make his croun to flourish upon his head But also at other tymes They pray in such ambiguous termes That there hearers could not understand that they pray for there Majesties King William and Queen Mary off all which crymes the forsaid persones are guilty actors airt and pairt And ought and should be punished in there persones and goods to the terror of others to Committ the Lyke in tyme comeing And Anent the Charge Given to the saids haill forenamed persones To have Compeared befor the saids Lords of privie Councill at ane certain day bygone To have ansuered to the grounds of the above written Complaint And to hear and see such order and course taken thereanent As the saids Lords should think fitt under the pain of rebellion and putting of them to the horne with Certificatione If they failzied There majesties other Letters should be direct againest them to put them thereto simpliciter As the said Lybell and executions bears. Which Lybell being this day Called In presence of the saids Lords of privie Councill And Sir James Ogilvie advocat now there majesties sollicitor Compearing personally as persewer And the saids haill defenders also Compearing personally (Except Mr John Fraser Late dean of the Isles and Mr Duncan Beattoun minister at Mull) The saids Lords haveing heard the Lybell read They hereby Grant Certificatione againest the saids tuo defenders absent and not Compearing And ordaines Letters of denunceatione to be direct to messengers at armes Comanding them to pass to the mercat croce of […] and other places neadfull And there in there majesties name and authority To duely Lawfully and orderly Denunce the saids Mr John Fraser late dean of the Isles and Mr Duncan Beattoun minister at Mull there majesties rebells there moveable goods and gear to there Majesties use for there Contemptione and dissobedience And the saids Lords have assolzied And hereby Assoilzies the said Mr Duncan Mcarthur from the poynts and articles Lybelled againest him And declares him quyte thereof And free therefrae In respect The said Mr Duncan did declare in face of Councill That he wes put from his church by the rabble And hes not preached since And hes nether Church nor meetinghouse And Sicklyke The saids Lords have assolzied And hereby assolzies the above Mr John and Mr Alexander Mccallums and Mr Alexander Mcdonald from the points and articles Lybelled againest them And declares them quyte thereof and free therefrae In respect They have Judicially and under there hand promised and Engadged That in tyme Comeing in all there publict prayers when they preach They will pray for there majesties King William and Queen Marij as King and Queen of Scotland And this saids Lords haveing considdered the Judiciall declaration of the above Mr Alexander Campbell Emitted be him at the Councill barr Bearing that he hes not hitherto prayed for any King expressly And that he hes no freedome to pray for there majesties King William and Queen Mary They have depryved And hereby Depryves the said Mr Alexander Campbell from his benefice at the above church of Killmore And declares the said church vacant And ordaines him to remove from his Manse and Gleeb at the terme of whistonday next And discharges him to Labour the said gleib or any pairt thereof in tyme comeing and discharges the said Mr Alexander to preach or exercise any pairt of his ministeriall functione within the said paroch of Killmore or any other place within this Kingdome.

1. PC1/48, 597-600.

1. PC1/48, 597-600.