Letter: royal, 31 January 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Last day of Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years Ante meridien Councill called extraordinary


Letter: royal

Kings Letter for adjourning the parliament

The Letter underwritten from the Kings majestie to the privie Councill wes read and ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followes Sic supra scribitur William Rex
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousine and Councillour Right trustie and Intirely beloved Cousignes and Councillours Right trustie and right well beloved Cousine and Councillour Right trustie and well beloved Cousines and Councillours Right trustie and well beloved Councillours and trustie and well beloved Councillours wee Greet yow well whereas the present state of our effairs doeth not requyre the meeting of our parliament so soon as the tenth day of Februarij next To which It wes Last adjourned Therefore wee are resolved to continow the adjournement from the said day To the First day of march next to come And that the members of parliament be not put to the trouble and charge of meeting upon the said tenth day of Februarij next It is our will and pleasure And wee doe hereby authorize and requyre yow to Issue furth a proclamatione In our name ordering the Continuance of the forsaid adjournment of our said parliament to the said first day of March next Ensueing the date of these presents And ordering all the members thereof to attend that day at Edinburgh in the usuall way And upon the accustomed Certificationes For doeing whereof This shall be your warrand And so wee bid yow heartily farewell Giveing at our Court at Kensingtoun the tuenty sixth day of Januarij Jaj vjc and nyntie tuo/three And of our reigne the Fourth year By His majesties Command Sic Subscribitur James Johnstoun.

At Edinburgh, 31 January 1693, in the morning, council called extraordinary


Letter: royal

King’s letter for adjourning the parliament

The letter underwritten from the king’s majesty to the privy council was read and ordered to be recorded, whereof the tenor follows: Superscribed William Rex
right trusty and right well beloved cousin and councillor, right trusty and entirely beloved cousins and councillors, right trusty and right well beloved cousin and councillor, right trusty and well beloved cousins and councillors, right trusty and well beloved councillors and trusty and well beloved councillors, we greet you well. Whereas the present state of our affairs does not require the meeting of our parliament so soon as 10 February next, to which it was last adjourned, therefore we are resolved to continue the adjournment from the said day to the first day of March next to come, and that the members of parliament be not put to the trouble and charge of meeting upon the said 10 February next, it is our will and pleasure and we hereby authorise and require you to issue forth a proclamation in our name ordering the continuance of the foresaid adjournment of our said parliament to the said 1 March next ensuing the date of these presents, and ordering all the members thereof to attend that day at Edinburgh in the usual way and upon the accustomed certifications; for doing whereof this shall be your warrant. And so we bid you heartily farewell, given at our court at Kensington, 26 January 1693, and of our reign the fourth year, by his majesty’s command. Subscribed James Johnston.

1. PC1/48, 568.

1. PC1/48, 568.