Att Edinburgh The Tenth day of october Jaj vic nyntie three years
Letter: royal
Letter From The Queen Anent Cornes
The Follouing Letter Being redd was appoynted to be recorded And a Comittie named to prepare a proclamatione against the transporting Cornes to France or any of ther Majesties Enemies Folloues the tenor of the Letter
Suprascribitur Marie Regina
Right Trustie and Right uell Beloved Cousin and Councellor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right uell Beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right2 uell Beloved Councelors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors and Trustie and uell beloved Councellors We Greet yow well Uheras we have Given strict ordors to prevent the exportatione of Cornes from our kingdomes of England and Ireland To supply the necessities of our Enemies in France wher ther is Great scarcity we Have thought fitt to advertise yow To putt the Laues in executione exactly so as noe Cornes may be transported from our Antient Kingdome of Scotland to France And this being a matter of so Great Consequence to our service and the Commone Interest we doe expect that yow uill take such measures as may hinder the transportatione of Cornes directly to France or the simulat and Clandestine Contryvances for Conveying of Cornes thither That none of our dominiones have accessione to the supplie of our Enemies or supporting them in the mantinence of the uarr And not dowbting by your manadgment This Inconvenience may be prevented we Bidd yow Heartily fareuell Given att our Court at Whytehall the 30 day of September 1693 and of our reigne the fifth year sic subscribitur M: R
1. NRS, PC1/49, 149.
2. Interlinear insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 149.
2. Interlinear insertion.