Act, 7 March 1693 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh Eodem die post meridiem



Liberation James Bruce

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be James Bruce merchand in Alloway Shewing That whereas the petitioner being apprehended as being suspected to have hade accessione to James Jarvie skipper his carrying a bark full of Coalls from Alloway to the Bass And upon that suspicione There Lordships hes caused Comitt the petitioner to closs prisone As to which he humbly represents that now when the saids Lords have taken tryall of that effair he is confident That there nothing is nor can be made appear that he hade the least accessione or knowledge of the said barks Loadneing of coalls goeing to the Bass It is true It wes his misfortune once or tuyce to be in company with these persones that carryed the coalls to the Bass the tyme they were in his mothers house in Alloway But that can be no ground of suspicion againest him Because his mother keept a publict change And she being a widow It wes ordinary for the petitioner to be in company with any strangers that came to his mothers house And he hes alreadie given ane Ingenious declaratione of the true matter of fact as to all that effair So farr as he knowes And if the saids Lords think it necessarie he is content to declare it upon his oath which fully clears his Innocencie And the petitioner having the charge of disposeing of the wholl coall at Alloway as also being a merchand And the Keeping of him in closs prisone will be a great prejudice to his trade as also will exceedingly prejudice his health And sieing he is willing to find Cautione here within the toun of Edinburgh to appear befor the saids Lords whenever he shall be called and therefore Humbly craveing That the saids Lords would be pleased to ordaine the petitioner to be sett at Liberty upon his finding Cautione as said is As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill having Considered this petitione given in to them be the above James Bruce They hereby give order and warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of there tolbooth to sett the petitioner at Liberty furth thereof He first swearing and signeing the oath of alleadgeance and signeing the assureance appointed by act of parliament to there majesties King William and Queen Mary In presence of any of the saids Lords of privie Councill.

Att Edinburgh Eodem die post meridiem



Liberation James Bruce

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be James Bruce merchand in Alloway Shewing That whereas the petitioner being apprehended as being suspected to have hade accessione to James Jarvie skipper his carrying a bark full of Coalls from Alloway to the Bass And upon that suspicione There Lordships hes caused Comitt the petitioner to closs prisone As to which he humbly represents that now when the saids Lords have taken tryall of that effair he is confident That there nothing is nor can be made appear that he hade the least accessione or knowledge of the said barks Loadneing of coalls goeing to the Bass It is true It wes his misfortune once or tuyce to be in company with these persones that carryed the coalls to the Bass the tyme they were in his mothers house in Alloway But that can be no ground of suspicion againest him Because his mother keept a publict change And she being a widow It wes ordinary for the petitioner to be in company with any strangers that came to his mothers house And he hes alreadie given ane Ingenious declaratione of the true matter of fact as to all that effair So farr as he knowes And if the saids Lords think it necessarie he is content to declare it upon his oath which fully clears his Innocencie And the petitioner having the charge of disposeing of the wholl coall at Alloway as also being a merchand And the Keeping of him in closs prisone will be a great prejudice to his trade as also will exceedingly prejudice his health And sieing he is willing to find Cautione here within the toun of Edinburgh to appear befor the saids Lords whenever he shall be called and therefore Humbly craveing That the saids Lords would be pleased to ordaine the petitioner to be sett at Liberty upon his finding Cautione as said is As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill having Considered this petitione given in to them be the above James Bruce They hereby give order and warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of there tolbooth to sett the petitioner at Liberty furth thereof He first swearing and signeing the oath of alleadgeance and signeing the assureance appointed by act of parliament to there majesties King William and Queen Mary In presence of any of the saids Lords of privie Councill.

1. PC1/48, 628-9.

1. PC1/48, 628-9.