Order, 28 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years



Recomendation to send men of warr againest privateers

The Councill recomended to Sir Thomas Livingstoun comander in cheiff of there majesties forces within this Kingdome for the tyme To Cause advertise the severall men of warr Lyeing in this firth That the Councill are Informed there are tuo french privateers Lyeing at the mouth of the firth And a ship with provisiones to be Conveyed into the Bass And recomend to the said Sir Thomas to send the vessell fitted out for secureing againest the rebells in the Bass Now Lyeing at Leith to carry this advertisement to the men of warr And Sir Thomas befor the ryseing of the Councill reported That the vessell appointed to give advertisement to the men of warr not being able to get out of the harbor of Leith he hes sent ane other boat.

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years



Recomendation to send men of warr againest privateers

The Councill recomended to Sir Thomas Livingstoun comander in cheiff of there majesties forces within this Kingdome for the tyme To Cause advertise the severall men of warr Lyeing in this firth That the Councill are Informed there are tuo french privateers Lyeing at the mouth of the firth And a ship with provisiones to be Conveyed into the Bass And recomend to the said Sir Thomas to send the vessell fitted out for secureing againest the rebells in the Bass Now Lyeing at Leith to carry this advertisement to the men of warr And Sir Thomas befor the ryseing of the Councill reported That the vessell appointed to give advertisement to the men of warr not being able to get out of the harbor of Leith he hes sent ane other boat.

1. PC1/48, 614.

1. PC1/48, 614.