Edinburgh the Fifth day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Act and Recomendation Serjant Fae
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be William Fae Serjant in Sir James Lesslies regiement Shewing that quher the petitioner haveing by warrand of Major generall Liveingstoun in pursuance of ane order of the Comittie of privy Councill for tryall of the Robberies and thifts lately committed Imployed himself now these thrie moneths by past upon his oun expences except five punds Sterling allowed him be the said Comittie and that So Successfully albeit with the hazard of his life (as particularly in seizeing on Mr Smith and Wauch notorious highway men) That not only great Discoveries are made by the petitioners means bot severalls are apprehended, and two actually convicted by ane asyse besydes these that are yet in prison, And seing ther are a great many more of the Gange yet to be discovered and seized And that the petitioner out of a perfect abhorance of such villanies is resolved upon the saids Lords countenanceing and warranting of him not to spar the outmost hazard of his oun persone may be exposed to In discovering searching out and seazeing of these robbers and theives as he hade allready done And Therfore Craveing the saids Lords not only to authorize and Impower the petitioners seizing of high way men robbers and theives Bot likewayes to modifie him what small expences they thought fitt for his encouradgment, his endeavors and travells in serving the saids Lords and the Countrie in this sort allready as said is haveing outerly exhausted him allready as said is haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above William Fae They heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties thesuarie To cause payment be made to the petitioner of the soume of Ten pounds Sterling for his bygone Service in searching after and seazeing upon robbers And also to cause payment be made to the said petitioner of such soumes as shall be appointed and determined be the Lord Cardross Lord Carmicheall and Justice Clerk or any of two them being the Committie formerly appointed anent robbers for the petitioners service in seazeing robbers in time comeing not exceiding five punds sterling for each robber who shall be seized be the petitioner for each robber who shall be seized be the petitioner and shall be convicted of the Crimes of robberie or Thift, And Recomends to Sir Thomas Livingstone Commander in Cheiff of their majesties forces within the kingdome to Grant Foreloaffs to the petitioner from time to time for Competent spaces of time that he may doe his dutie and dilligence in seeking out and apprehending of robbers.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 207v-208r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 207v-208r.