Order, 14 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of February Jaj vjc and nyntie thrie years



Order for delivering of recruits

The Which day the Earle of Leven governor of the castle of Edinburgh and Coll to a Regiment of foot in their majesties Service in Flanders haveing represented to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill That by their Lordships former order of the tenth of January last They hade Discharged the Souldiers appointed to be drawen out of the Garrison of Blackness for recruites to be removed furth of the said Garison Untill furder order of Councill, And that these recruits doe belong to the said Earle his regiment and that the ships and Convoyes for transporting the recruites to Flanders are Lyeing presently in readieness in the harbor of Leith And Therfor Craved that the Souldiers appointed for recruits furth of the said Garison might be ordained to be delivered without delay, The Saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above representatione and desyre, They heirby Ordaine the governor Livt Governor, or in their absence the nixt Commanding officer of the said Castle of Blackness to deliver to the said Earle of Leven the Souldiers appointed for recruits furth of the said castle And at the sametyme appoints the other recruites, which are keeped in Custodie in the said Castle To be delivered to the respective officers to whom they belong In Respect the garison may not be sufficient for guarding of them when the recruits drawen furth therof are removed.

Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of February Jaj vjc and nyntie thrie years



Order for delivering of recruits

The Which day the Earle of Leven governor of the castle of Edinburgh and Coll to a Regiment of foot in their majesties Service in Flanders haveing represented to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill That by their Lordships former order of the tenth of January last They hade Discharged the Souldiers appointed to be drawen out of the Garrison of Blackness for recruites to be removed furth of the said Garison Untill furder order of Councill, And that these recruits doe belong to the said Earle his regiment and that the ships and Convoyes for transporting the recruites to Flanders are Lyeing presently in readieness in the harbor of Leith And Therfor Craved that the Souldiers appointed for recruits furth of the said Garison might be ordained to be delivered without delay, The Saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above representatione and desyre, They heirby Ordaine the governor Livt Governor, or in their absence the nixt Commanding officer of the said Castle of Blackness to deliver to the said Earle of Leven the Souldiers appointed for recruits furth of the said castle And at the sametyme appoints the other recruites, which are keeped in Custodie in the said Castle To be delivered to the respective officers to whom they belong In Respect the garison may not be sufficient for guarding of them when the recruits drawen furth therof are removed.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 185v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 185v.