Att Edinburgh the sixth day of June Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Forfaulture Leivt James Murrays bond
Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe Heirby declare the soume of ane Hundred pounds sterline of penaltie contained a bond granted be Leivt James Murray as principall and Mr John Campbell brother to the Earle of Argyle and David Burnett merchant in Edinburgh conjunctly and severally as Cautioners dated the tuenty fourth of May Jaj vic nyntie tuo for the said Leivt James Murray his appearance before the Councell or their Committie upon the tuenty sixth of the said month and year To be Incurred In regaird the saids principall and cautioner Have faillzied in fullfilling the obleidgments in the said bond And have faillzied to Compear before the Councell albeit they are charged to that effect And therfore they forefault the said penaltie And Decernes and ordaines the said Leivtennant James Murray principall and the said David Burnet ane of the Cautioners in the said bond (the dayes of the charge given to the said Mr John Campbell the other Cautioner not being yet elapsed) Conjunctly and severally to make payment of the saids Hundred pounds sterline to Sir Thomas Muncreiff of that ilk Collector of their Majesties Croune rents for their Majesties use And ordaines Letters of Horning on six dayes and others2 needfull to be direct heiron Against the said Leivtennant Murray and David Burnet In form as effeirs
1. NRS, PC1/49, 73.
2. Interlinear insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 73.
2. Interlinear insertion.