Att Edinburgh the Tuelvth day of october Jaj vic nyntie three years
The Earle of Leven Acquants the Councell He uill fyre the Guns of the castle at the Kings landing in England
The Earle of Leven Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh Acquanted the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell That it hes been the Constant Custome when his Majestie Returns from Forraigne Countries to fyre a Round of the Guns of the said Castle which at this tyme may now happen to be In tyme of vaccance when the Councell is not sitting And desyred that their Lordships might not be allarmed at the shooting of the Castle when the post brings account of his Majesties being Landed in England
1. NRS, PC/149, 158.
1. NRS, PC/149, 158.