Att Edinburgh The first day of June Jaj vic nyntie three years
Imprisonment Captain Douglas
The uhich day Captaine George Douglas brother to Kelhead who is under bale before the Councell That He shall Live peacably under the Government of their Majesties and appear before the Councell when called for Being charged upon his bond to appear as said is And Having appeared accordingly And refuised to suear and signe the oath of alleadgance and subscribe the assurance to their Majesties appoynted by Act of parliament Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe Heirby ordaine him to be Carryed prisoner under a Guaird to the tolbooth of the Cannongate And Gives ordor and uarrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh Baillies of the Cannongate and Keeper of the said tolbooth To receave the said Captain Douglas into the said tolbooth and detaine him prisoner therin till farder ordor of Councell And alloues the bond formerly Given be the said Captaine and his Cautioners for his peacable behaviour and appearance when called for dated the Eight day of September Jaj vic and nyntie to be delyvered up by the Clarks of privie Councell
1. NRS, PC1/49, 65.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 65.