Edinburgh the nynth day of February Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Procedure: committee appointed
Committie in the Lybell Andrew Ker Against mr Alexander Cuningham anent tumults
The Lybell at the instance of Androw Ker sone to John Ker off Frogtoune and the said John For his intrest against Mr Alexander Cuninghame being this day called in presence of the Lords of his majesties privy Councill And the said Androw Ker one of the pursuars Compeiring personally with Sir James Ogilvie their majesties solicitor and Mr Robert Bennet advocats for both pursuars and the defender Compeiring also personally with Sir David Thores Mr Heugh Dalrymple and Mr Alexander Crafurd his advocats And the Lybell and answers being read and both parties advocats fully heard The saids Lords Doe heirby Commissionat and appoint the Lord Viscount of Tarbat The Lords Cardross, Justice Clerk Fountonhall Mr Francis Montgomrie and Sir John Maxwell or any thrie of them to meet with the magistrats of Edinburgh and principall professor, and other masters of the Collodge therof the morrow at two in the afternoon within the said Collodge and their to take tryall and make inquyrie what has been the ryse and ground of the frequent Tumults or mutinies amongst and Comitted by the Students either at this time or formerly And who have been the Cheiff instruments of the late abusses and Disorders with power to the Committie to Comitt such of the students to prison as they shall find to have been instigators or ringleaders in the said late Disorders And to fall upon and concert with the magistrats and masters such rules and orders as may effectually supres the present disorders amongst the students and may prevent the like and all disorders and quarellings betwixt the Classes in tyme comeing To the effect the masters authoritie may be preserved and the Students keeped in a dutifull submissione and obedience to them And Recomends to the Comittie to take probation and examine witnesses upon the points Lybelled against Mr Cuninghame and to make report of their procedur in the haill matter to the Councill at their nixt meeting And appoints the maccers of Councill To intimat to the magistrats of Edinburgh and masters of the Collodge that they attend the Committie tyme and place forsaid with power also to the said Comittie to suspend the said Mr Cuninghame in the mean tyme if they find cause.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 184r-184v.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 184r-184v.