Att Edinburgh the Seventeinth day off January Jaj vjc nyntie three years
Procedure: report
Anent 5000 fyre armes
The Lord High Chancellour acquanted the Councill That the Lords Commissioners of the Theasury Conforme to a reference from the Councill to them Have aggreed with merchands to bring home Fyve thousand fyre armes for the publict use at the rate of tuenty shilling sterling a piece all of one Caliber Conforme to a patterne And that the merchands have undertaken to furnish patronlashes and belts for bygonets And that the pryce is to be payed as followes viz one thousand pound sterling when the merchands produce a testificat that the armes are Imbarqued And Tuo Thousand pound sterling when they shall be delyvered And the Merchands are to bear all hazard.
1. PC1/48, 557.
1. PC1/48, 557.