Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of May Jaj vic nyntie three years
Procedure: committee formed
Committie Mr John Cockburne
Lybell their Majesties Advocat Against Mr John Cockburne for negotiating Against the Government Called And their Majesties Advocat Compearing personally And the defender who is prisoner being brought to the barr The Lybell and ansuers therto redd The Lord High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe heirby Recommend to the Earls of Argyle Southerland and Annandale and Lord Carmichaell to Consider the Lybell and Instructiones therof and if they think fitt to call for and examine the defendar and make what furder discoverie they can in this matter and report the same to the Councell and recomends to the Lord Advocat to be present at the committie and declares any three of the said committie to be a sufficient quorum
1. NRS, PC1/49, 34-5.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 34-5.