Order, 5 April 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fifth day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Recomendation William Troope Livt

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Livetenant William Troop Shewing That quher the petitioner hade been allwayes under their majesties service of great Brittane ever since he was able to Carie armes and lately in their majesties service in Ireland as was weell knowen to many of the members of their Majesties most honorable privy Councill Wherupon the petitioner produced ane testificat of his cariadge in the Said Service, which is also therwith produced And now seing that the petitioner is become old weak and infirme by his severall wounds of shots and cutts And Especially in Ireland at the late Engadgment at Boyn Watter and else wher in their Majesties service of great Brittane and these wounds with the Sadd Sicknes he has hade since he came heir to Scotland, has so Disabled him that he is not able to serve ther majesties though he be willing at the time And True it is that these old wounds are broken out now of late and is under cure for the time Therfore the petitioner humbly beggeth and Craveth that the saids Lords would be pleased to take his Sadd and Miserable condition to their serious and Christian Consideration and to allow him some way for his subsistance by setling him in the invalids according to his Station, And order some releiff for him for the present tyme as the saids Lords should think fitt because of his great necessitie which is knowen both to the Apothecaries and Chirurgeons and to severall members of the most honorable privy Councill as the petition bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing heard this petition given in to them be the above Livetenant William Troope Read in their presence They heirby Recommend to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Coomander in Cheiff of their Majesties forces within this kingdome and the Other officers appointed for Over-seeing the invalids To take tryall of the petitioners caise and conditione And to cause inroll him amongst the invalids in caise they shall see cause so to doe.

Edinburgh the Fifth day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Recomendation William Troope Livt

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Livetenant William Troop Shewing That quher the petitioner hade been allwayes under their majesties service of great Brittane ever since he was able to Carie armes and lately in their majesties service in Ireland as was weell knowen to many of the members of their Majesties most honorable privy Councill Wherupon the petitioner produced ane testificat of his cariadge in the Said Service, which is also therwith produced And now seing that the petitioner is become old weak and infirme by his severall wounds of shots and cutts And Especially in Ireland at the late Engadgment at Boyn Watter and else wher in their Majesties service of great Brittane and these wounds with the Sadd Sicknes he has hade since he came heir to Scotland, has so Disabled him that he is not able to serve ther majesties though he be willing at the time And True it is that these old wounds are broken out now of late and is under cure for the time Therfore the petitioner humbly beggeth and Craveth that the saids Lords would be pleased to take his Sadd and Miserable condition to their serious and Christian Consideration and to allow him some way for his subsistance by setling him in the invalids according to his Station, And order some releiff for him for the present tyme as the saids Lords should think fitt because of his great necessitie which is knowen both to the Apothecaries and Chirurgeons and to severall members of the most honorable privy Councill as the petition bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing heard this petition given in to them be the above Livetenant William Troope Read in their presence They heirby Recommend to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Coomander in Cheiff of their Majesties forces within this kingdome and the Other officers appointed for Over-seeing the invalids To take tryall of the petitioners caise and conditione And to cause inroll him amongst the invalids in caise they shall see cause so to doe.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 209r-209v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 209r-209v.