Att Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of December Jaj vjc nyntie thrie
Warrand for Citatione The Toune of Dingwall and Act
Anent the Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be the magistrats and toune Councill of the burgh of Dingwall Shewing That the said toune haveing been in possessione these hundreds of years of a Fair on the second day of February and some dayes therafter which is also one of their cheif common goods and is very advantageous to the2 adjacent Countreyes yet the nighbouring burgh of Innerness hath contrare to all Law and Justice in emulationem vicini upon pretence of some new gift or old latent on surreptitiously procured, proclamed a fair to be keept at the very same time in their burgh, and likewayes have insolently prohibit all their inhabitants under severr penalties to frequent the fair of Dingwall contrare to Law and the freedome of the people which will occasion a great Loss to the burgh of Dingwall and the adjacent shyres unles the same be timeously prevented by the saids Lords mantaineing the toune of Dingwall in their possession which is so Illegally disturbed And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords to prohibit the toune of Innverness to put themselves thus sumarly in possessione of a new fair on the dayes pertaineing to Dingwall by Right and possessione and to recall their Illegall edict at least to stop the holding of any such new fair untill the matter be tryed before the saids Lords as the forsaid petitione more fully bears. The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above magistrats and Councill of Dingwall They heirby ordaine letters to be direct at the petitioners instance for Citeing the magistrats of Innverness To Compeir before their Lordships and answer to the points of the petition upon the Twentie fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie four years with Certificatione etc And Grants warrand for Citeing of witnesses And allowes any two of the Magistrats of Dingwall as persuers and any two of the magistrats of Innverness as defenders To Compeir in name of the haill pursuers and defenders respective, The magistrats of Innvernes defenders Compeiring allwayes cisting themselves for the haill defenders3 and becomeing bound that they shall defenders magistrates and toune Councill of Innverness shall obtempor and fulfill the sentance of Councill which shall be pronunced in the said matter against them.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 302r-302v.
2. The letters ‘ir’ scored out here.
3. The words ‘Magistrats and toune Councill of Inverness shall alwayes’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 302r-302v.
2. The letters ‘ir’ scored out here.
3. The words ‘Magistrats and toune Councill of Inverness shall alwayes’ scored out here.