Att Edinburgh the Fourth day of Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years
Act ordaining the Flanders officers to receave there recruitts
The Lords of there Majesties privie Councill being Informed by the Lord high Chancellour that the officers of the standing forces and garisones out of which the detatchments for recruitting there Majesties troops in Flanders are drawen have compleaned to his Lordship that the officers come from Flanders for recruitts doe refuse to receave the forsaids detatchments untill the Convoy appoynted for accompanying the transport ships who are to carry these recruitts to Flanders be arryved And that the Flanders officers pretend they most then be delyvered to them on ship boord And the saids Lords haveing called for severalls of the Flanders officers who appeared at the barr The Lord Chancellour did Intimate to them that the Councill hade ordained and Comanded Likeas they hereby ordaine and Comand the officers come from Flanders for recruitts to receive the forsaid detatchments as is appoynted by a former Interloquitor of the date the thretty first day of December last And the saids Lords haveing called for Sir James Leslie Comander in cheiff of there majesties forces within this Kingdome for the tyme The Lord Chancellor acquanted him That the Councill did appoynt Likeas they doe hereby appoint the said Sir James furthwith to dispatch expresses to the officers who have conducted and are attending the forsaid detatchments at the severall places where they now Lye Requyreing them to make offer of these detatchments to the Flanders officers to whom they belong and if any of the officers refuse to receave them That they enter protestation againest these officers and returne the protest to the Councill with a Complaint of there refuseall And the Councill declares they will take further course in this matter And in the mean tyme that there majesties service be not retarded The Saids Lords did recomend And hereby recomends to the said Sir James to cause furnish subsistance as formerly to such of the recruitts as shall not be receaved And the Councill declares that they will take care that the pay for the recruitts not receaved And that they will wreitt to his Majestie for that effect
1. PC1/48, 540-41.
1. PC1/48, 540-41.