Att Edinburgh the Fourteinth of March Jaj vjc nyntie three years Ante Meridiem
Procedure: committee
Comittee anent beggars
The Comittee haveing called for the magistrats of Edinburgh and conferred with them Find that the proclamation is not yet put to ane effectuall executione And therefor it is there opinion that a Comittee of Councill be appoynted to sitt in tyme of vacance with power to exact fynes according the proclamation aither from the toun or paroches adjacent And to report there diligence to the Councill at there first meeting in Apryll next And for the bygone notour failzies of the toune of Edinburgh That the Kings advocat be ordered to raise a lybell against them and instantly cause execute the same to the said first Councill day in Apryll next That they may be fyned conform to the above proclamation The Lords of there majesties privy Councill haveing considered the above report anent the beggars in Edinburgh They approve thereof And hereby adds the majesties advocat to the forsaid comittee And appoints the said Comittee with the Lord Advocat added as said is to sitt in tyme of vacance with power as in the above report and continows the quorum as formerly and recomends to the Lord advocat to cause raise and execute a process against the magistrats of Edinburgh for bygon failzies as in the above report.
1. PC1/48, 641-2.
2. PC1/48, 642.
1. PC1/48, 641-2.
2. PC1/48, 642.