Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Procedure: committee formed
Committie Anent The said Letter
Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privy Councell Having Heard a Letter from the Kings Majestie Requyring them To Cause tryall be made what peces of ordinance and Artillery doe belong to the Earle of Argyle In the Castle of Edinburgh Stirling and Forts in this kingdome And what He Instructs to belong to him To Cause for the present mark them in the Councell books as belonging to him except tuo small peeces in Stirling Castle which by the Letter are ordored to be delyvered to the Earle Redd They Hierby Recommend to the Earle of Leven Governour of the castle of Edinburgh and Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces uithin this kingdome to Consider such Evidences and Instructiones as the Earle of Argyle can Give for making appear what peeces of ordinance or artillery in the Castle of Edinburgh doe belong to him And appoyntes the said Earle to Instruct to Leivt Collonell Erskine Leivt Governour of the castle of Stirling what evidences he Can for proving what peeces of ordinance or artillery in that castle doe belong to him And Recommends to the said Earle of Leven Sir Thomas Livingstoune and Leivt Collonell Erskine to make report to the Councell of what evidences shall be adduced Before them
1. NRS, PC1/49, 21.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 21.