Procedure: committee formed, 13 April 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Thriteinth day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Comittie Stivenson and Greir Against Greg and Malloch

The Lybell Stivensone and Greir against Greg and Malloch Called Both parties Compeiring personally and Sir James Ogilvie and Mr David Douglas Compeiring as advocats for the pursuar and Sir Robert Colt Compeiring as advocats for the defenders The Council haveing heard both parties and haveing Considered the Lybell and answers and the witnesses cited being all present at the barr and haveing made faith except Wlater Stewart writter to the Signet Remitts to the Lord Carmichell and Laird of Grant to examine the witnesses And Reserves all Objectiones which may be made against them to be proponed and Discussed before the Committie.

Edinburgh the Thriteinth day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Comittie Stivenson and Greir Against Greg and Malloch

The Lybell Stivensone and Greir against Greg and Malloch Called Both parties Compeiring personally and Sir James Ogilvie and Mr David Douglas Compeiring as advocats for the pursuar and Sir Robert Colt Compeiring as advocats for the defenders The Council haveing heard both parties and haveing Considered the Lybell and answers and the witnesses cited being all present at the barr and haveing made faith except Wlater Stewart writter to the Signet Remitts to the Lord Carmichell and Laird of Grant to examine the witnesses And Reserves all Objectiones which may be made against them to be proponed and Discussed before the Committie.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 211v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 211v.