Warrant, 13 May 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Thretteenth day of May Jaj vic Nyntie three years



Warrand For Letters of Intercomuning Against the rebells in the Bass

Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Considering that the rebells in the Bass are now againe charged be vertue of a Late ordinance of Councell To delyver up themselves to their Majesties mercy and the Island to their Majesties service under the paine of treasone and have given noe satisfactiory ansuer Their Majesties High Commissioner and the saids Lords of privy Councell Doe Heirby ordaine the Sollicitor to cause registrat the Letters or ordinance against the forsaids rebells and executiones therof and raise Letters of Intercomuning Against these rebells and Cause deuly publish the same at the Crosses of the severall burghs and tounes upon both sydes of the uater of Forth

Att Edinburgh The Thretteenth day of May Jaj vic Nyntie three years



Warrand For Letters of Intercomuning Against the rebells in the Bass

Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Considering that the rebells in the Bass are now againe charged be vertue of a Late ordinance of Councell To delyver up themselves to their Majesties mercy and the Island to their Majesties service under the paine of treasone and have given noe satisfactiory ansuer Their Majesties High Commissioner and the saids Lords of privy Councell Doe Heirby ordaine the Sollicitor to cause registrat the Letters or ordinance against the forsaids rebells and executiones therof and raise Letters of Intercomuning Against these rebells and Cause deuly publish the same at the Crosses of the severall burghs and tounes upon both sydes of the uater of Forth

1. NRS, PC1/49, 25.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 25.