Att Edinburgh The seventh day of november Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Certificatione The Lord Advocat Against Mr Richard Waddell
Anent our Soveraigne Lord and Ladys Letters raised and pursued before the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell att the Instance of Sir James Steuart their Majesties Advocat for their Highness Intrest in the Matter underwryten Mentioning That wher albeit by the Law of God and by the Laues and Acts of parliament all persones Especially such as are or pretend to be Ministers of the Gospell are bound to pray for their Rulers and Governours Especially for Kings and Queens their soveraigns And particularly by ane Act of the meeting of Estates of the date the Threttienth day of Apryle Jaj vic Eightie nyne years It is statute That all Ministers of the Gospell publictly pray for their Majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this Realme and read the proclamatione for that effect under the paine of deprivatione And by the Threttieth fifth Act second sessione of their Majesties Currant parliament All Ministers deprived for not praying and reading as aforsaid are prohibited and discharged to preach or exercise any part of the Ministeriall functione aither In church or assembly or elsewher upon any pretext whatsomever untill first they present themselves before the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell And ther in their presence to take suear and subscribe the oath of alleadgance And also Ingadge themselves under their hands to pray for their Majesties as King and Queen of this Realme And not to oune the Late King James as their King In any sorte Certifying such Ministers as shall doe in the Contrare That they shall be proceeded Against as persones disaffected and Enemies to their Majesties government uith all rigour And sicklyke by the sixth Act of the fourth sessione of this Currant parliament It is statut and ordained that all persones in offices and places of publict trust Civill Ecclesiastick or military And particularly that all ministers and preachers of the Gospell whatsomever doe suear the oath of alleadgance and subscribe the same uith the Assurance subjoyned to the said Act And that betuixt and the tuenty day of June then nixt to Come now last by past under the Certificationes contained in the said Act And by the Threttieth seventh Act of the second sessione of the same parliament The dyet to Ministers for taking the said oath Is prorogat to the tenth day of July then nixt And by the saids Lords their proclamatione relative to the saids Acts They appoynted Commissioners for administrating the said oath and assurance Nevertheless It is of verity That Mr Richard Waddell sometyme minister at St Andreus and Mr John Home sometyme minister at Greenlaw Casting of all respect to their Majesties persones authority and Laues Have notwithstanding that they be expressly depryved for not praying for their Majesties Contumaciously Contraveened the saids express Laues and Acts of parliament In so farr as upon one or other of the dayes of the monthes of January February march Apryle may June July Agust september or october Instant They have presumed to sett up a meeting House at Hirsle or elsewher at least preach pray or exercise some part or other of the Ministeriall functione without Having qualified themselves as in the said Act And not only doe not pray for their Majesties as King and Queen But did expressly pray for the Late King James nor Have they suorne the oath of alleadgance and subscribed the same uith the assurance notuithstanding that the dayes are long since elapsed off which Crymes or one or other of them The saids tuo persones are Guilty Actors airt and pairt And ought and should be severely punished In their persones and Goods Conforme to the saids Acts to the terror of others to Committ the Lyke in tyme Coming And anent the charge Given to the saids defenders to have Compeared personally this day Before the saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell To Have ansuered to the Grounds of the forsaid Complaint And to Have heard and seen such ordor and Course taken theranent as the saids Lords showld think fitt under the paine of rebellione and putting of them to the Horne with Certificatione etc as the said Complaint or Letters uith the executiones therof Bears The which Lybell Being this day Called In presence of the saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councell And the pursuar Compearing personally And the saids Defenders being Laufully Cited ofttymes Called and not Compearing The saids Lords In respect of their absence and not Compearance Grants Certificatione Against them And ordaines Letters to be direct to Macers or messengers at armes to pass to the mercat Cross […] and uther places needfull And ther In their Majesties name and authority Laufully and ordorly denunce the saids Defenders their Majesties rebells and putt them to their Horne Escheat and Inbring all their moveabill goods and gear to their Majesties use for their Contempt and disobedience
1. NRS, PC1/49, 165-7.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 165-7.