Act, 2 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Second day of February Jaj vjc Nyntie thrie years



Act Alexander McCulloch

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Alexander McCulloch in Meikle Larg in the parish of Insh and Agnes Kennydie his Spouse with their two Cheldreen Shewing That quher the petitioners house and haill goods and plenishing therin ware all brust by fire which hapned upon the thretie of January Jaj vjc nyntie two years, as might evidently appear to the saids Lords by the testificat therwith produced dated at Glenluce the twentie day of February the said year Jaj vjc nyntie two under the hands and Subscriptiones of the heritors and elders of the parish of Inch and many of the most respective gentlmen in Galloway Such as the Right honorable Sir Andrew Agnew and Sir James his sone Lairds of Lochnae Shireffs of Galloway and Wigtoune Sir Charles Hay of Park, James Dalrymple factor for the Viscount of Stairs and Sir John his sone in the parishes of Insh and Glenluce and the Laird of Larg with many others throw want of a minister in the said parishes of Inch and Glenluce Wher throw the petitioners are redacted to such extream Misery and Powertie that they have nothing to live one, Bot the Charitie of honest Christians Neither could they have any Charity from parish Churches Or otherwayes by reasone of acts and statues Ordainang all poor people to goe hom ilk ane to their own parish, no wayes regarding the like of the petitioners extraordinary sad caise and condition nor the proclamatione against pressing of men Bot still continueing to press as can be testified by Baillie Charters who upon the thrid of January Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years releived one that was prest since the proclamation being taken one the fifth day of January therafter in the toune of Lanerk out of his naked bed from his wife and bairnes under cloud of night So as no man is saif to travell either at hom or abroad without express warrand from the saids Lords for that effect And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords in Consideration of the premisses not only to grant the petitioners the saids Lords pass protection and Recomendation to kirks and others in the natione For Supplie bot alsoe their Jurney home To grant them what Charitie the saids Lords pleased either from themselves or out of their Majesties exchequer to bestow upon such poor objects of pitie as they were for the said petition bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Alexander McCulloch, Togither with the testificat mentioned therin and produced therwith They heirby Recomend to the moderator and ministers of the presbytrie of Glenluce within which the petitioner dwalls and his house was brunt to cause make ane voluntar2 Collection at the kirke doors of the severall parishes within the said presbytrie for the petitioners releiff and suplie if they shall find that his caice deserves the same.

Edinburgh the Second day of February Jaj vjc Nyntie thrie years



Act Alexander McCulloch

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Alexander McCulloch in Meikle Larg in the parish of Insh and Agnes Kennydie his Spouse with their two Cheldreen Shewing That quher the petitioners house and haill goods and plenishing therin ware all brust by fire which hapned upon the thretie of January Jaj vjc nyntie two years, as might evidently appear to the saids Lords by the testificat therwith produced dated at Glenluce the twentie day of February the said year Jaj vjc nyntie two under the hands and Subscriptiones of the heritors and elders of the parish of Inch and many of the most respective gentlmen in Galloway Such as the Right honorable Sir Andrew Agnew and Sir James his sone Lairds of Lochnae Shireffs of Galloway and Wigtoune Sir Charles Hay of Park, James Dalrymple factor for the Viscount of Stairs and Sir John his sone in the parishes of Insh and Glenluce and the Laird of Larg with many others throw want of a minister in the said parishes of Inch and Glenluce Wher throw the petitioners are redacted to such extream Misery and Powertie that they have nothing to live one, Bot the Charitie of honest Christians Neither could they have any Charity from parish Churches Or otherwayes by reasone of acts and statues Ordainang all poor people to goe hom ilk ane to their own parish, no wayes regarding the like of the petitioners extraordinary sad caise and condition nor the proclamatione against pressing of men Bot still continueing to press as can be testified by Baillie Charters who upon the thrid of January Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years releived one that was prest since the proclamation being taken one the fifth day of January therafter in the toune of Lanerk out of his naked bed from his wife and bairnes under cloud of night So as no man is saif to travell either at hom or abroad without express warrand from the saids Lords for that effect And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords in Consideration of the premisses not only to grant the petitioners the saids Lords pass protection and Recomendation to kirks and others in the natione For Supplie bot alsoe their Jurney home To grant them what Charitie the saids Lords pleased either from themselves or out of their Majesties exchequer to bestow upon such poor objects of pitie as they were for the said petition bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Alexander McCulloch, Togither with the testificat mentioned therin and produced therwith They heirby Recomend to the moderator and ministers of the presbytrie of Glenluce within which the petitioner dwalls and his house was brunt to cause make ane voluntar2 Collection at the kirke doors of the severall parishes within the said presbytrie for the petitioners releiff and suplie if they shall find that his caice deserves the same.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 177r-177v.

2. The word ‘Contribution’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 177r-177v.

2. The word ‘Contribution’ scored out here.