Edinburgh The Twentie one day of February Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Act and Remitt Robert Fairly
2Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Council be Robert Hairlie servitor to the Master of Burlie, Shewing That quher he was Imprisoned in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh be vertue of a Captione raised at the instance of Cornet William Drumond Cornet to the Lord Jedburgh upon a bond granted by him for produceing of David Toshich violer his brother in law) who as is pretended took one to serve in that troope) under the paine of ane thousand merks most wrongeously in regaird advantage was taken of his Ignorance and ane exorbitant penaltie put in the bond not only much more then he was worth Bot more then the nature of the thing requyred and besyde although the bond did not expressly say so, yet the comoneing was that the petitioner should either produce him or procure the Laird of Monivairds bond for produceing of him And which bond he had procured and readie to deliver to him yet he now refuses the samen and most Cruelly defames the petitioner in prison to the ruine of himself and poor wife and Childrein, And farther he was willing to deliver to him another man also fit for the service as David Toshich is since by no means he could gett hands on the said David And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would ordaine his releasment out of prison and the redeliverie of his said bond And he should furnish the Cornet with a man as set for his service as David Toshich as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing heard this petitione given in to them be the above Robert Fairly read in their presence They heirby Remitt the Same to be Discussed be the Lords of Sessione either by passing and expeding of Suspensiones relaxatione and charge to put at libertie or such other way as their Lordships shall find Just.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 186r-186v.
2. One illegible word scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 186r-186v.
2. One illegible word scored out here.