Warrant, 16 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth Day off Februarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Warrand for Incarcerateing James Bruce

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be James Bruce merchand in Alloway Shewing That where the petitioner wes brought from his oune house in Alloway upon tuesday last by a pairty of dragoons and hes continowed ever since prisoner in Edinburgh as being suspected to have hade accessione to the Carryeing of ane barks Loadneing of Coalls to the Bass And the petitioner hes been examined by a Comittee of there Lordships oune number nominate for that effect And hes most Ingeniously declared to the saids Lords the haill poynts relateing to that effair In so farr as the samen any maner of way consisted with his Knowledge And the petitioner being Concerned in the manadgement and disposeall of the Coall at Alloway And haveing also severall other weighty bussines of his oune to prosecute His Imployers alswell ashimself doe sustaine much prejudice by his Imprisonement And which will dayly Increass without the saids Lords provyde remead And therefore Craveing that the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premisses to there Consideratione and to appoynt the Commanders of hte toun guaird of Edinburgh to sett the petitioner at Liberty And If the saids Lords think fitt The petitioner is content to find sufficient Cautione to Compear befor there Lordships when called. As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered this petitione Given in to them be the above James Bruce with the declaratione of the said James And of the skipper who sailled the bark with coalls to the Bass with ane verball report of ane Comittee who examined the persones seized as accessorie to the Carryeing in of the said bark to the Bass They hereby ordaine the Captain of the toun of Edinburghs company of Guairds to cause convey the petitioner from there guaird house of Edinburgh (where he now is) unto the tolbooth of the said burgh And appoints the Magistrates of Edinburgh and Keeper of there tolbooth to receave the said petitioner into there tolbooth And to detaine him closs prisoner therein and suffer non to speak or converse with him untill farder order of Councill.

Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth Day off Februarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Warrand for Incarcerateing James Bruce

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be James Bruce merchand in Alloway Shewing That where the petitioner wes brought from his oune house in Alloway upon tuesday last by a pairty of dragoons and hes continowed ever since prisoner in Edinburgh as being suspected to have hade accessione to the Carryeing of ane barks Loadneing of Coalls to the Bass And the petitioner hes been examined by a Comittee of there Lordships oune number nominate for that effect And hes most Ingeniously declared to the saids Lords the haill poynts relateing to that effair In so farr as the samen any maner of way consisted with his Knowledge And the petitioner being Concerned in the manadgement and disposeall of the Coall at Alloway And haveing also severall other weighty bussines of his oune to prosecute His Imployers alswell ashimself doe sustaine much prejudice by his Imprisonement And which will dayly Increass without the saids Lords provyde remead And therefore Craveing that the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premisses to there Consideratione and to appoynt the Commanders of hte toun guaird of Edinburgh to sett the petitioner at Liberty And If the saids Lords think fitt The petitioner is content to find sufficient Cautione to Compear befor there Lordships when called. As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered this petitione Given in to them be the above James Bruce with the declaratione of the said James And of the skipper who sailled the bark with coalls to the Bass with ane verball report of ane Comittee who examined the persones seized as accessorie to the Carryeing in of the said bark to the Bass They hereby ordaine the Captain of the toun of Edinburghs company of Guairds to cause convey the petitioner from there guaird house of Edinburgh (where he now is) unto the tolbooth of the said burgh And appoints the Magistrates of Edinburgh and Keeper of there tolbooth to receave the said petitioner into there tolbooth And to detaine him closs prisoner therein and suffer non to speak or converse with him untill farder order of Councill.

1. PC1/48, 601-2.

1. PC1/48, 601-2.