Procedure: committee formed, 10 October 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Tenth day of October Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Comittie for Examining Daniall Nicolson and others.

The Lords of their majesties privy Councill doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Forfar, The Viscount of Tarbat, The Lords Ross, Beilhaven and Polwart Lord Enstruther and Laird of Grant or any thrie of them whom they declair to be a suficient quorum of the wholl to call for and examine Daniall Nicolsone writer in Edinburgh, Doctor John Eliot, Mr Joseph Cleilland writter and Marion Maxwell relict of the umquhill David Pringle Chirurgeon in Edinburgh all prisoners in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, Robert Wishart […] and all such other persones as they shall think fitt anent a Contrivance of the fathering upon Jean lands the said Daniall his wyfe and Margrat Lands her Sister a designe of poyseoneing him the said Daniall, And alse anent2 A true designe of poysoneing the said Jean, And alse anent the forgeing of a recept of poyson be the saids Jean And Margrat Lands to the said John Eliot, And to Consider the examinationes allready taken and papers in the Lord Advocat and the solicitors hands anent this matter, and to take what farder tryall they can to find out the truth of this wicked Contryvance, With power to the said Comittie or their quorum to cause seaze upon and secure in prison all such persones as they shall find ground to suspect guilty of or accessory to the Samen and to modifie such ane aliement to the Said Jean Lands spouse to the said Daniall and such ane Soume to the said Margrat Lands for defraying what charges and expences she has been at or shall be put to in this affair to be payed be the said Daniall as they shall think fitt, The said Margrat finding Cautione to refound incaice he shall be found Innocent and the saids Lords of privy Councill doe approve of the Lord Advocat his haveing put the said Marion Maxwell at first under baill and now in prison since the presumptiones of her guilt are arisen to a greater clearnes, And appoints the bond given be her and Mr James Anderson wryter to the signet her Cautioner dated the seventh of october instant to be given up to the said Cautioner, And Recomends to the Lord Advocat and appoints their Majesties Solicitor to attend and be present at the said Committie, And Recommends to the Committie to make the report to the Councill at their first meetting in november nixt.

Edinburgh the Tenth day of October Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Comittie for Examining Daniall Nicolson and others.

The Lords of their majesties privy Councill doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Forfar, The Viscount of Tarbat, The Lords Ross, Beilhaven and Polwart Lord Enstruther and Laird of Grant or any thrie of them whom they declair to be a suficient quorum of the wholl to call for and examine Daniall Nicolsone writer in Edinburgh, Doctor John Eliot, Mr Joseph Cleilland writter and Marion Maxwell relict of the umquhill David Pringle Chirurgeon in Edinburgh all prisoners in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, Robert Wishart […] and all such other persones as they shall think fitt anent a Contrivance of the fathering upon Jean lands the said Daniall his wyfe and Margrat Lands her Sister a designe of poyseoneing him the said Daniall, And alse anent2 A true designe of poysoneing the said Jean, And alse anent the forgeing of a recept of poyson be the saids Jean And Margrat Lands to the said John Eliot, And to Consider the examinationes allready taken and papers in the Lord Advocat and the solicitors hands anent this matter, and to take what farder tryall they can to find out the truth of this wicked Contryvance, With power to the said Comittie or their quorum to cause seaze upon and secure in prison all such persones as they shall find ground to suspect guilty of or accessory to the Samen and to modifie such ane aliement to the Said Jean Lands spouse to the said Daniall and such ane Soume to the said Margrat Lands for defraying what charges and expences she has been at or shall be put to in this affair to be payed be the said Daniall as they shall think fitt, The said Margrat finding Cautione to refound incaice he shall be found Innocent and the saids Lords of privy Councill doe approve of the Lord Advocat his haveing put the said Marion Maxwell at first under baill and now in prison since the presumptiones of her guilt are arisen to a greater clearnes, And appoints the bond given be her and Mr James Anderson wryter to the signet her Cautioner dated the seventh of october instant to be given up to the said Cautioner, And Recomends to the Lord Advocat and appoints their Majesties Solicitor to attend and be present at the said Committie, And Recommends to the Committie to make the report to the Councill at their first meetting in november nixt.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 259r-259v.

2. The words ‘the forgeing of a recept’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 259r-259v.

2. The words ‘the forgeing of a recept’ scored out here.