Warrant, 19 January 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the nynteinth day of Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Warrand to the shirreff of Fyff for apprehending Mrs Edward, Wood and Balfour ministers in Fyff

The Lords of there Majesties privie Councill being Informed That Mr Alexander Edward minister at Kemback Mr William Wood Minister at Duninno and Mr Hendrie Balfour minister at Auchtertooll who were formerly cited befor the Councill for not prayeing for there majesties King William and Queen Mary and Certificatione Granted againest them for not Compearance And who are since denunced and registrat doe still Continow and preach in there churches and doe not pray for King William and Queen Mary The saids Lords of there majesties privy Councill appoints Sir William Lockhart there majesties sollicitor to raise and execute Captione against them And in the mean tyme Gives order and warrand to the Shirreff principall of the shyre of Fyff and his depute to seize and secure the saids three ministers and send them prisoners to the tolbooth of Edinburgh And appoints to receave and detaine them therein till farder order of Councill.

At Edinburgh, 19 January 1693



Warrant to the sheriff of Fife for apprehending Messrs Edward, Wood and Balfour, ministers in Fife

The lords of their majesties’ privy council being informed that Mr Alexander Edward, minister at Kemback, Mr William Wood, minister at Dunino, and Mr Henry Balfour, minister at Auchtertool, who were formerly cited before the council for not praying for their majesties King William and Queen Mary and certification granted against them for non-appearance, and who are since denounced and registered, continue to preach in their churches and do not pray for King William and Queen Mary; the said lords of their majesties’ privy council appoint Sir William Lockhart, their majesties’ solicitor, to raise and execute caption against them and in the meantime the give order and warrant to the sheriff principal of the shire of Fife and his depute to seize and secure the said three ministers and send them as prisoners to the tolbooth of Edinburgh, and they will receive and detain them therein until further order of council.

1. PC1/48, 561-2.

1. PC1/48, 561-2.