Edinburgh The Twelth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Order anent Gray and Kirkwood
The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered a petition given in to them be John Gray and James Kirkwood Compleaning they are pressed as Souldiers They heirby Appoint Sir James Lessly Commander in Cheif for the tyme of their majesties forces within this kingdome to cause transport the petitioners under a guard from the Tolbooth of Linlithgow wher they now Lye to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh And ordaines the magsitrats of Linlithgow and keeper of their tolbooth to deliver the petitioners to the guaird that Sir James Lessly shall send for them and the magistrats of Edinburgh and keeper of their Tolbooth to2 receive3 them from the said guard And Recomends to the Committie anent persones alledged taken on to be Souldiers to hear both the petitioners and Captain murray who is alledged to have taken them on, with power to the Comittie to give order for setting the petitioners at libertie if they see cause, And Grants warrand for Citeing Captaine Murray to appear before the Committie upon twentie four houres warning
1. NRS, PC2/24, 158r-158v.
2. The word ‘send’ scored out here.
3. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 158r-158v.
2. The word ‘send’ scored out here.
3. Insertion.