Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of May Jaj vic nyntie three years
Act Livingstoune of Kilsyth
Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be William Livingstoune of Kilsyth Sheuing That wheras It was ordored by his Grace and their Lordships The other day in Councell that the petitioner should be transported from the Castle of Edinburgh to the castle of Stirling The petitioner does uith all submissione presume to represent that he is not in ane conditione at present to be transported uithout the manifest
dainger to his health And to make appear to their Lordships that his assertione Is not Groundless but sincere and Ingenous The Declaratione produced uith the said petitione under the hands of tuo Intelligent Doctors does sufficiently testifie And seing the designe of his transportation to Stirling Is fully as much Intended out of favour to the petitioner In his present Circumstances then in the Least to render him In any worse conditione after soe many years Imprisonment and confynment Especially In this caice wher he showld soe much risque and Endainger his health And wher lykewayes his affairs does more necessarly obleidge his presence here And therfore Humblie Craving their Lordships to take the premisses to their Consideratione and to ordor after their uonted clemency the petitioner to be Confyned aither uithin the toune of Edinburgh or near to the same upon such bale as their Lordships shall think reasonable as formerly they were pleased to appoynte and in which conditione he was before he was ordained to render himself prisoner here in the Castle of Edinburgh as the said petitione Bears Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Having considered this petitione given In to them Be the above William Livingstoune of Killsyth uith the testificat of the petitioners Indispositione under the hands of tuo phisitianes mentioned therin and produced theruith They heirby recall the former ordor of Councell given for transporting the petitioner from the castle of Edinburgh to the castle of Stirling And recommends to the Lord High Commissioner if the said ordor be not already signed not to signe the same And discharges the Clarks of Councell to Give out any extract of the said ordor
1. NRS, PC1/49, 34.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 34.