Act, 22 May 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of May Jaj vic nyntie three years



Act Mr John Duncan and other merchants traffiquing in foraign pairts

Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be James Grhame and Mr John Duncan for themselves and the remanent merchants trading Into Forraigne parts Sheuing That wher In the tyme of warr The petitioners pursue their trade only in these methods which have been accustomed which is not only their Intrest and that of the whole kingdome but particularly the Great Intrest of their Majesties custome and forraigne excyse And yet contrare to the right and dignity of the natione and honour of the Government Their shipps when come within scotts waters and even uithin their oune harboures and enteries made and the Kings waiters on board are violently seized by English men of warr which may alse lawfully be done by dutch Danes or any other Forraigners It being most Certaine That as Scotland is ane absolute kingdome soe neither English nor other Forraigners Have the Least pouer uithin the Scotts uaters and harboures And that any attempts made by them of this kynde is Ane High violatione of the Law of nationes And seing that it belongs to the Councell to provyde some remedie for this Great disordor And that now is the seasone that the petitioners ought to have some Just assurance for follouing out their trade uith intire safety from all such attempts in tyme coming And therfore Humbly Craving that the Councell would declare by their positive Act That alse well for what is past as in tyme coming They shall have the full protectione of the Government to defend the petitioners and all shipps and goods pertaining to them from all the attacques Invasiones and seizures of English shipps or other Forraigne vessells whatsomever uithin scotts seas and uaters and the boyes roads and harboures pertaining to this kingdome It being a thing most certaine that unles the Councell Give the petitioners the forsaid protectione now In tyme of uarr uithout farder Inquyrie unless they be found directly acting against the Government and transgressors of the Laues of this kingdome It is Impossible for them to Continow trade or doe anything of this kynd aither for their owne subsistance the Generall Good of the natione or the advantadge of his Majesties Customes as the said petitione Bears Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Having Considered this petitione Given In to them Be the above James Grhame and others They heirby declare that the petitioners and remanent merchants trading in Forraigne pairts shall for the future Have the full protectione of the Government and defend them and all shipps and goods belonging to them from all attacques Invasiones and seasures of English shipps or other forraigne shipps whatsomever uithin the scotts seas and waters and the boyes roads and harboures pertaining to this kingdome uithout farder Inquyrie unless they be found directly Acting against the Government and transgressours of the Laues of this kingdome

Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of May Jaj vic nyntie three years



Act Mr John Duncan and other merchants traffiquing in foraign pairts

Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be James Grhame and Mr John Duncan for themselves and the remanent merchants trading Into Forraigne parts Sheuing That wher In the tyme of warr The petitioners pursue their trade only in these methods which have been accustomed which is not only their Intrest and that of the whole kingdome but particularly the Great Intrest of their Majesties custome and forraigne excyse And yet contrare to the right and dignity of the natione and honour of the Government Their shipps when come within scotts waters and even uithin their oune harboures and enteries made and the Kings waiters on board are violently seized by English men of warr which may alse lawfully be done by dutch Danes or any other Forraigners It being most Certaine That as Scotland is ane absolute kingdome soe neither English nor other Forraigners Have the Least pouer uithin the Scotts uaters and harboures And that any attempts made by them of this kynde is Ane High violatione of the Law of nationes And seing that it belongs to the Councell to provyde some remedie for this Great disordor And that now is the seasone that the petitioners ought to have some Just assurance for follouing out their trade uith intire safety from all such attempts in tyme coming And therfore Humbly Craving that the Councell would declare by their positive Act That alse well for what is past as in tyme coming They shall have the full protectione of the Government to defend the petitioners and all shipps and goods pertaining to them from all the attacques Invasiones and seizures of English shipps or other Forraigne vessells whatsomever uithin scotts seas and uaters and the boyes roads and harboures pertaining to this kingdome It being a thing most certaine that unles the Councell Give the petitioners the forsaid protectione now In tyme of uarr uithout farder Inquyrie unless they be found directly acting against the Government and transgressors of the Laues of this kingdome It is Impossible for them to Continow trade or doe anything of this kynd aither for their owne subsistance the Generall Good of the natione or the advantadge of his Majesties Customes as the said petitione Bears Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Having Considered this petitione Given In to them Be the above James Grhame and others They heirby declare that the petitioners and remanent merchants trading in Forraigne pairts shall for the future Have the full protectione of the Government and defend them and all shipps and goods belonging to them from all attacques Invasiones and seasures of English shipps or other forraigne shipps whatsomever uithin the scotts seas and waters and the boyes roads and harboures pertaining to this kingdome uithout farder Inquyrie unless they be found directly Acting against the Government and transgressours of the Laues of this kingdome

1. NRS, PC1/49, 40-41.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 40-41.