Att Edinburgh Eodem die post meridiem
Act anent the french prisoners in the tolbooth of the Canongate
The Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill doe hereby give order and warrand to the Magistrates of Edinburgh bailzies of the Canongate and Keeper of the Canongate tolbooth To delyver Jan Muchill Jan de Cassimau Betran de Hirriart Joannesco D Haulde Adam de Gannery Pierre Tullixia Domingo de Muchill french men prisoners brought from Innerlochie to the persones following viz Fyve of them to the magistrats of Glasgow to be exchanged be the saids Magistrats with the Lyke number of Scotts prisoners at Dunkirk or elsewhere in the French Kings dominiones belonging to the citie of Glasgow and tuo of the saids prisoners to Leivetennent Collonel Hamiltoun to be exchanged with the Lyke number of his servants who are prisoners at Dunkirk or elsewhere in the french Kings dominions And recomends to Sir Thomas Livingstoun Commander in cheiff of there Majesties forces within this Kingdome to cause convey the saids fyve prisoners which are to be2 Delyvered to the saids magistrats of Glasgow under a sufficient guaird to the said toun of Glasgo and delyver them to the Magistrats there
1. PC1/48, 630.
2. The word ‘transported’ scored out here.
1. PC1/48, 630.
2. The word ‘transported’ scored out here.