Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Repryve James Campbell
Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell be James Campbell prisoner In the tolbooth of Edinburgh Sheuing That the poor Supplicant being condemned by the Lords of Justiciary on the tuelvth day of the last month He did uith all dutifull acknowledgement acquiesce in the Justice of the said sentence And did in all Humility represent to the saids Lords of privy Councell That the simplicity and folly of youth had unlukily drawen him Into the snare And that he hath been only Ingadged uith that villanous Crue since mertimes last And that the early remorss he had for their abominable and sinfull practises made him In six weeks abondone them and Ingadge In their Majesties service In Major Generall Livingstounes regiment of dragoones The petitioner doe further protest on the faith of a dying man That he was guilty of noe other robberies then these tuo he confest In Judgement And darrs appeall to his accomplices themselves that noe more can be laid to his charge And to Evince his Ingenuitie He did confess a Cryme which was not In his lybell And blessed be the Lord He Continoues still to have a very deep sense of his Crymes And if he be thought worthie to live any longer He is resolved with the assistance of God to Live a better lyfe then formerly The saids Lords were pleased to lett the supplicant taste of their mercy and Compassione By repryving him for some weeks which the petitioner hopes he hath Improved to his souls advantadge And that he hath done nothing since may make their Lordships beleeve that he hath abused the Goodnes they have been pleased to show him He does not Indeavour to extenuat or Lessen his guilt Being wholly Convinced that any one of the Crymes he hath Committed deserves death And doeth In all Humility Beseech His Grace and their Lordships not to Give Credite to these false and malicious calumnies which he is Informed are spred on him off purpose to exclude him of their Lordships mercy and compassion He doeth once more protest as in presence of Almightie God (Before whose tribunall He must shortly appear and make accompt of all his actions) That he uas never guilty of murther nor any other robberie then the tuo he hath acknouledged And tho he hath not been able to make restitutione of all the Goods that were taken by him and his Complices yet by restoring what he can to his owne share He hath Evidenced to make reparatione In sua as he is cappable And uith which they are so uell satisfied That they have not only pardoned him But are readie to testifie their acceptance therof as will appear by the paper produced with the said petitione signed by the Gairdners wyfe of Arniestoune and Sir John Clarks verball declaratione And therfore Humbly supplicating His Grace and their Lordships to Continow these mercifull Inclinationes they have been pleased to show to the poor supplicant And if He Cannot obtaine a pardone yet that their Lordships would Grant a repryve for a competent space or that they uould alter the sentence Into perpetuall Banishment That soe He may have more tyme to repent of his sinns and his poor wyfe and family may have ever reasone to pray as the said petitione Bears Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given In to them be the said James Campbell uith the discharge mentioned therin and produced theruith They Hierby Repryve the said James Campbell from the sentence of death pronunced against him untill the first teusday of Junij nixt Inclusive and discharges the Magistrats of Edinburgh to putt the said sentence in executione untill the nixt day Immediatly after the said first teusday of Junij nixt Sic subscribitur Tueeddale Cancell Argyle Linlithgow Annandale Breadalbane Rossh Beilhaven W Anstruther Ludovick Grant
1. NRS, PC1/49, 19-20.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 19-20.