Warrant, 22 May 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Twentie two day of May. Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Warrand Russell and Veitch for citeing Mr Henry Hay.

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties Privy Councill by Mr Willam Russell moderator of the Presbytrie of Peebles and Mr William Veitch minister of the kirk of Peebles for his intrest showing That quher Mr Henry Hay a pretended preacher doeth keep a schooll in a Vault belonging to the kirk Peebles after haveing been thrust out of the toune of Peebles by the magistrats therof for his Immorall and scandelous behavior and was for the same cause and other Scandells and for to produce and shew his warrand to preach conveened before the said presbytrie Bot did nevertheless prove contumacious Declyneing the authoritie therof for which he stands most Justly deposed by the said presbytrie both from the office of a preacher and as schooll master and yet Continues presumptuously to dispyse their sentance and keep up the said schooll in high contempt and disobedience as is clear by ane act of the presbytrie therwith produced And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would take the premisses to their Consdieratione and to accord to that assistance that their Lordships hade allwayes given to the Church in the like cases To Ordaine the forsaid Mr Henry Hay to desist from his forsaid offices and to remove from the said schooll and deliver up the registers of the said Vault to the minister and kirk session And ordaine him to be banished the toune and parish of Peebles as the said petition bears Their Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of Privy Councill Haveing Grant warrand for citeing of the above Mr Henry Hay To Compeir before his grace and Lords upon the sixth day of June nixt to come and Grant warrand to cite witnesses.

Edinburgh the Twentie two day of May. Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Warrand Russell and Veitch for citeing Mr Henry Hay.

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties Privy Councill by Mr Willam Russell moderator of the Presbytrie of Peebles and Mr William Veitch minister of the kirk of Peebles for his intrest showing That quher Mr Henry Hay a pretended preacher doeth keep a schooll in a Vault belonging to the kirk Peebles after haveing been thrust out of the toune of Peebles by the magistrats therof for his Immorall and scandelous behavior and was for the same cause and other Scandells and for to produce and shew his warrand to preach conveened before the said presbytrie Bot did nevertheless prove contumacious Declyneing the authoritie therof for which he stands most Justly deposed by the said presbytrie both from the office of a preacher and as schooll master and yet Continues presumptuously to dispyse their sentance and keep up the said schooll in high contempt and disobedience as is clear by ane act of the presbytrie therwith produced And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would take the premisses to their Consdieratione and to accord to that assistance that their Lordships hade allwayes given to the Church in the like cases To Ordaine the forsaid Mr Henry Hay to desist from his forsaid offices and to remove from the said schooll and deliver up the registers of the said Vault to the minister and kirk session And ordaine him to be banished the toune and parish of Peebles as the said petition bears Their Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of Privy Councill Haveing Grant warrand for citeing of the above Mr Henry Hay To Compeir before his grace and Lords upon the sixth day of June nixt to come and Grant warrand to cite witnesses.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 215v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 215v.