Att Edinburgh the Tuelvth day of october Jaj vic nyntie three years
Warrand for Registrating Kilsyths Bond
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Doe Heirby appoynte the Clerks of Councell to Registrat the Bond granted be Mr William Livingstoune of Kilsyth and his Cautioners therin named of the date the […] day of […] And to raise Letters theron at the Instance of Sir James Steuart their Majesties advocat and Sir Thomas Muncreiff of that ilk Generall Receaver of their Majesties Croune rents Direct to macers or messengers at armes To Command and Charge the said Mr William Livingstoune and his Cautioners Conjunctly and severally to Re-enter the persone of the said Mr William prisoner uithin the Castle of Edinburgh betuixt and the seventh day of november nixt or otherwayes to make payment to the said Sir Thomas Muncreiff for their Majesties use of the penaltie Contained in the said bond And appoyntes ther Majesties Sollicitor to take out and cause execute the saids Letters
1. NRS, PC1/49, 154-5.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 154-5.