Att Edinburgh The Threttienth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Liberatione David Cairns of Torr
Anent the petitione given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be David Cairns of Torr Sheuing That quheras he hath lyen prisoner in the tolbooth of Edinburgh since the fourth of February and hath nether had money to mantaine himself being Eightie mylles distant From his duelling nor other accommodatione but lykely to starve And after their Lordships had ordored his liberatione His pursuers stoped the samen upon other Grounds and alleadgances whilk they have not found cautione to make out And being of Contrary persuasione to him Have compelled him to submitt ane thousand merks which is decerned in my prejudice And they Have not fulfilled their obleidgements to him so his wyfe Lying sick His small childrene at home In disordor His husbandrie being waste He in prisone Is that uith other forgoing things which is now his totall ruine For his house dues In this place which he Hopes their Lordships will ordor him to be free off And aliment Is no small soume to him at this tyme And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships to Consider his hard Circumstances and lett him be sett at liberty seing noe man Insists against him free of expensses Because he declares he is already ruined heirby or if he be guilty punish him as their Lordships shall think fitt as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given in to them Be the above David Cairns of Torr They heirby Give ordor and warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and keeper of their tolbooth To sett the petitioner at liberty furth therof
1. NRS, PC1/49, 9-10.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 9-10.